Thursday, 1 October 2020

Liked on YouTube: Watch How Ellen DeGeneres Gets Caught Lying To You With Body Language – Monster Celebrity Liar

Watch How Ellen DeGeneres Gets Caught Lying To You With Body Language – Monster Celebrity Liar
Here’s all the proof you need that Ellen DeGeneres is a monster celebrity liar, we’re going to piece together the shocking evidence and breakdown Ellen’s mean body language, that’s next. Ellen DeGeneres is the 62 year old “comedian” and talk show host who constantly preaches to Be Kind; however, more and more stories, accounts, complaints, and evidence have come out exposing that Ellen, along with her show’s producers, are actually incredibly mean. And we’re not talking about Ellen just getting moody or grumpy either. We’re talking monster celebrity status, where when cameras aren’t recording, certain people aren’t allowed to look at her, make eye contact with her, and certainly not allowed to speak to her. And that’s just the beginning, the stories of how mean Ellen is will surely shock you! The irony, the irony that the same person who tells everyone during every show to be kind, it’s now finally coming out that she is one of the meanest people in Hollywood and probably the world. So we’re going to breakdown Ellen’s body language, along with piecing together the shocking evidence, to finally reveal rare on camera moments where Ellen accidentally slipped showing you who she really is. Give this video a thumbs up if you think Ellen is mean. Give this video a thumbs down if you think Ellen is not mean at all. Now in the comments: What would you do if you saw Ellen in public? Would you look her in the eyes, would you stare her down, would you show her your chipped nail polish? Let everyone know, in the comments below. Hit that subscribe button now because we don’t want you to miss out on new body language and investigative videos that always seem to shake up YouTube, and I’ll see you at the top. #BodyLanguage #Ellen #BeKind MORE ON VIDEO: Body Language Expert Reacts To Ellen DeGeneres – She’s A Monster Celebrity Liar! More Channel: SHAKED Podcast: Merch: All the equipment I use: Follow me and also send me your future video ideas via social media: Instagram: Twitter: Facebook: Website:

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