SPIDERMAN Homecoming: Insane Details And Easter Eggs You Only Notice After Binge Watching The MCU
SPIDERMAN Homecoming: Insane Details And Easter Eggs You Only Notice After Binge Watching The MCU. We talk the best Trivia, Easter Eggs, Hidden Details and things you missed in Spider-Man Homecoming from Marvel Studios. #Spiderman #HomeComing #EasterEggs If you enjoyed this video then please subscribe to the channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq3hT5JPPKy87JGbDls_5BQ?sub_confirmation=1 If You Want To Help Support The Channel So I Can Make More Videos Like This Please Donate Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq3hT5JPPKy87JGbDls_5BQ/join Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers show clothes, phonecases and accessories at - https://ift.tt/2Np49xT /* ----- SOCIAL MEDIA ----- */ Follow Me On Social Media At: https://ift.tt/2UjTaqc https://twitter.com/heavyspoilers /* ----- DISCORD ----- */ Join our Discord Community at - https://ift.tt/2NQQSOw /* ----- VIDEO INFORMATION ----- */ Homecoming Easter Eggs Ok so the movie opens right after the battle of New York with Adrian Toomes showing off his child's drawing of the Avengers. We later learn that this was made Liz and Adrian remarking on her talent is the first clue we get that the two are related. This scene pulls back to show us Stark Tower with the A left as all that remains on it. This was shown at the end of Avengers and as we know it later became renamed to Avengers Tower. Toomes crew are salvaging scraps from the Chitauri in Central Station and we actually see the Leviathan that Thor and Hulk killed in Avengers as a main focal point in the location. We're introduced to Damage Control which are actually fictional construction company from the comics. The vendetta between Toomes and Stark is set up here and we also get a subtle hint that they're opposites to one another. Toomes theme that we can hear introduced in the background here is actually the same as the Avenger's but in minor tonality which shows how he is a darker version of the hero. Adrian is really a blue collar worker that felt screwed over by the one percent that took things into his own hands and rejected the idea that he should always be a second class citizen that has no control over his destiny. Toomes is literally shown in the opening having to deal with the trash left behind by the Avengers whilst Tony profits off it and it makes the villain one of the most relatable characters in the entire MCU. We jump forward 8 years but this actually messes up the timeline quite a bit as Civil War takes place 4 years after Avengers which happens in 2012. If this time jump was right then that would mean this movie takes place in 2020. I kinda wish they would just replace this title card like...come on man you added new scenes for the Star Wars movies on Disney Plus...someone couldn't just do this like one time. Anyway never mind, we jump to Peter and see the trip to Berlin from his point of view in Civil War. Peter gets given a new suit in a briefcase which could be a reference to Iron Man 2 in which Tony gets his new suit out of a case called The Football, a reference to the nuclear launch code that travel with the president. Peter jumps into the fight and it lines up perfectly with the battle from Civil War. We also see the bruises that Tony recieves in that film, namely his black eye appear in the car in the exact same place. We also see a hint of Peter's spider sense starting to develop as just before Happy is about his a car Peter looks back and forth nervously and then Hap honks the horn before missing the collision. Tony calls Happy forehead of security which is a call back to the jibe he did to the character in Iron Man 3 and he rejects Peter's hug as he leans over. This hug would come to get some closure on it as when Tony and Peter reunite in Endgame that first thing that the former does is hug him. Flash forward two months and we see Peter texting happy but he's getting blanked. Don't be afraid to double text...triple text...whhaaat quadruple text. That's just embarrassing. Peter's phone has a crack on it and throughout the movie it gets more and more damaged even... Music By Lakey Inspired » Patreon: https://ift.tt/2geo2Ul » Spotify: https://goo.gl/aLkwM5 » SoundCloud: https://ift.tt/19SWxwS » Instagram: https://ift.tt/2nzLFxI » SnapChat: Lakeyinspired ► Artist Attribution Music By: "KaizanBlu" • Instagram - https://ift.tt/32MJaK2 • SoundCloud - https://ift.tt/31M97Io • Facebook - https://ift.tt/2ohRZgb • TikTok - @kaizanblu https://ift.tt/31Jbtbb • YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCUtx... • DOWNLOAD @ https://ift.tt/2pNNpXQ Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Full licence here: https://ift.tt/1jttIpt... • Music released by: Chill Out Records @ https://goo.gl/fh3rEJ & https://ift.tt/321e8Nj
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1GMjxGYOjpw
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