Monday, 19 October 2020

Liked on YouTube: Eugenia Cooney; an in depth look at the weirdness of her situation.

Eugenia Cooney; an in depth look at the weirdness of her situation.
I just think this situation is so god damn sad and I feel so sorry for her but at the same time we cant just coddle her into getting help because she is spreading so much negativity and harm and it's so unfair to her fans and followers. . I genuinely feel so bad for her and I want nothing more than for her to get the help she deserves but I dont think shes going to :( I think anyone who feels like this situation is fucked up should speak out about it and try to get her deplatformed because she needs help, she shouldn't be on the internet. 1. scary video of her mom filming her naked in the shop; . 2.scary video of her mom filming her barely being able to walk; . 3. scary video of her from long ago showing a bikini her mom got her; . Please let's try and help this girl but in the meantime do not support or coddle her because she has to make change her self and stop hurting people in the process.

via YouTube

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