Saturday, 31 October 2020

Liked on YouTube: SPIDERMAN Into The Spider-Verse: Insane Details, Easter Eggs And Things You Missed | MARVEL

SPIDERMAN Into The Spider-Verse: Insane Details, Easter Eggs And Things You Missed | MARVEL
SPIDERMAN Into The Spider-Verse: Insane Details, Easter Eggs And Things You Missed | MARVEL. We break down the best easter eggs, hidden details, things you missed in the Spider-man movie. #Spiderman #IntoTheSpiderverse #Marvel Check out our breakdown of Iron Man here - If You Want To Help Support The Channel So I Can Make More Videos Like This Please Donate Here: Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers show clothes, phonecases and accessories at - /* ----- SOCIAL MEDIA ----- */ Follow Me On Social Media At: /* ----- DISCORD ----- */ Join our Discord Community at - /* ----- VIDEO INFORMATION ----- */ Ok so the movie starts off with a glitchy columbia logo that hints at the multiverse existing. It does this through numerous versions of the statue and throughout there are several hints that even Miles’ world takes place to a different one than our own. Miles has a poster of Chance the rapper in his room and the real life figure has a 4 on his cap. In our universe the MC actually wears a three on it and this is also a clue to the multiversity of the film….that’s a real word because Grant Morrison made it up. We can see on Jeffersons uniform that the badge says PDNY instead of NYPD and a news report comes from NNC instead of CNN. You can also spot a movie poster from Dusk Till Shaun which was supposed to be a sequel to Shaun of the Dead featuring vampires. A film called Hold Your Horses starring Seth Rogan is also displayed in times square. So very minor differences to our dimension. The introductory story by Peter that we get shows Uncle Ben and in that we can see that Peter is actually blond, teasing that this isn’t a version that we’ve seen before. In amongst the title sequence and we can see the spider that eventually bites Miles and it has the number 42 written on it. We get a quick cut of a lottery ball which also has 42 on it and this was actually Mile’s winning number that allowed him to get into Brooklyn Visions academy. During the film Miles falls off a building and hits a sign which then drops the numbers 42 and when riding on the bus with Peter later in the film we can also see that the maximum occupancy is 42. The number 42 also appears at the subway station just after Peter’s death is announced. It’s clearly laced throughout the movie and according to Vitamin on Reddit this is to symbolise the character being the first african american version of the character. 42 was Jackie Robinson’s number and he was the first black professional baseball player. We see that this Spider-man has lived through many moments similar to what we saw in the maguire movies including the train pulling, a switch on kissing mary jane upside down, punched a car and also did the best dance moves ever…in a movie…ever. There’s also a nod to the Holland universe in which he holds two buses from falling off the brooklyn bridge which apes the MCU web head pulling the ferry back together. Peter’s name badge is nice and crisp almost seeming new and this completely juxtaposes Peter B Parker’s badge later in the movie which is crumpled and messy, symbolising his style compared to the one we first meet. ► Artist Attribution Music By: "KaizanBlu" • Instagram - • SoundCloud - • Facebook - • TikTok - @kaizanblu • YouTube - • DOWNLOAD @ Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Full licence here: • Music released by: Chill Out Records @ & ► Artist Attribution Music By: "After The Fall" Track Name: "Hold Me" • SoundCloud - • Instagram - • FaceBook - • DOWNLOAD @ Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Full licence here: • Music released by: Chill Out Records @ & Instrumental by Homage

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