Saturday, 31 October 2020



Liked on YouTube: INSANE DETAILS In IRON MAN 3 You Only Notice After Binge Watching The MCU | EASTER EGGS BREAKDOWN

Iron Man 3: Insane Details & Easter Eggs You Only Notice After Watching The MCU Infinity Saga. We talk the parallels, things you missed and awesome little bits of trivia in the final entry of the Iron Man Trilogy. #IronMan #Avengers #Endgame Watch our other entries in the Iron Man trilogy breakdown below. Iron Man - Iron Man 2 - If you enjoyed this video then please subscribe to the channel If You Want To Help Support The Channel So I Can Make More Videos Like This Please Donate Here: Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers show clothes, phonecases and accessories at - /* ----- SOCIAL MEDIA ----- */ Follow Me On Social Media At: /* ----- DISCORD ----- */ Join our Discord Community at - /* ----- VIDEO INFORMATION ----- */ Iron Man 3 Easter Eggs And Hidden Details Ok so Iron Man 3 whilst not the culmination of Tony Stark's arc in the MCU, is the closing of his trilogy. We've already talked about how the character had a similar origin story in some ways to Captain America. Both were left with nothing but due to their heart and a friendly scientist they were able to go beyond their shortcomings. These similarities were even shown in the death of their mentors but you may not know that their trilogies also end in a similar sort of way. Each character in the trinity of MCU heroes made up of Iron Man, Captain America and Thor all have a lot of things that line up. For example Tony has a weakness that is his arc reactor. He had to use it to save his heart but at the end of Iron Man 3 he gets rid of it after finally finding a way around it. He destroys his suit in order to save his relationship and turns his back on being Iron Man. In the Captain America trilogy, Steve's main weakness is his friend Bucky and at the end of his trilogy he ends up throwing away the relationships that he's built with the rest of the Avengers in order to save him. He throws away his shield and turns his back on being Captain America but manages to save Bucky from Hydra's mind control. In the Thor trilogy Thor's main weakness is his relationship with his brother Loki...sorry adopted brother. Loki is able to trick him several times and betray him because he trusts him so much. This is similar to how Steve constantly sticks with Bucky even though he does some bad things as The Winter Soldier. In the end Thor manages to repair his relationship with his brother and similar to Iron Man and Cap who both get rid of their main weapons, Thor loses Mlojnir realising the true power comes from within. As for the movie itself it opens with Tony saying that we create our own demons. Whilst this is definitely the case in this film, it's something that has followed Stark throughout the entire MCU. In Iron Man 1 he refused to work alongside Obadiah and though he was a bad guy this eventually caused him to turn against the character. In Iron Man 2 Justin Hammer just wanted to work with Tony but he pretty much cast him to the side and ended up causing him to become an enemy. In Iron Man 3 a similar situation to Hammer happens with Killian and of course Tony would later go on to create Ultron. Tony creates his own demons to the point that it has reprecussions on other characters. We of course know that he lead to both the Vulture and Mysterio being formed but it goes far beyond that. Instrumental by Homage ► Artist Attribution Music By: "After The Fall" Track Name: "Hold Me" • SoundCloud - • Instagram - • FaceBook - • DOWNLOAD @ Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Full licence here: • Music released by: Chill Out Records @ & ► Artist Attribution Music By: "KaizanBlu" • Instagram - • SoundCloud - • Facebook - • TikTok - @kaizanblu • YouTube - • DOWNLOAD @ Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Full licence here: • Music released by: Chill Out Records @ &

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Liked on YouTube: SPIDERMAN Into The Spider-Verse: Insane Details, Easter Eggs And Things You Missed | MARVEL

SPIDERMAN Into The Spider-Verse: Insane Details, Easter Eggs And Things You Missed | MARVEL
SPIDERMAN Into The Spider-Verse: Insane Details, Easter Eggs And Things You Missed | MARVEL. We break down the best easter eggs, hidden details, things you missed in the Spider-man movie. #Spiderman #IntoTheSpiderverse #Marvel Check out our breakdown of Iron Man here - If You Want To Help Support The Channel So I Can Make More Videos Like This Please Donate Here: Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers show clothes, phonecases and accessories at - /* ----- SOCIAL MEDIA ----- */ Follow Me On Social Media At: /* ----- DISCORD ----- */ Join our Discord Community at - /* ----- VIDEO INFORMATION ----- */ Ok so the movie starts off with a glitchy columbia logo that hints at the multiverse existing. It does this through numerous versions of the statue and throughout there are several hints that even Miles’ world takes place to a different one than our own. Miles has a poster of Chance the rapper in his room and the real life figure has a 4 on his cap. In our universe the MC actually wears a three on it and this is also a clue to the multiversity of the film….that’s a real word because Grant Morrison made it up. We can see on Jeffersons uniform that the badge says PDNY instead of NYPD and a news report comes from NNC instead of CNN. You can also spot a movie poster from Dusk Till Shaun which was supposed to be a sequel to Shaun of the Dead featuring vampires. A film called Hold Your Horses starring Seth Rogan is also displayed in times square. So very minor differences to our dimension. The introductory story by Peter that we get shows Uncle Ben and in that we can see that Peter is actually blond, teasing that this isn’t a version that we’ve seen before. In amongst the title sequence and we can see the spider that eventually bites Miles and it has the number 42 written on it. We get a quick cut of a lottery ball which also has 42 on it and this was actually Mile’s winning number that allowed him to get into Brooklyn Visions academy. During the film Miles falls off a building and hits a sign which then drops the numbers 42 and when riding on the bus with Peter later in the film we can also see that the maximum occupancy is 42. The number 42 also appears at the subway station just after Peter’s death is announced. It’s clearly laced throughout the movie and according to Vitamin on Reddit this is to symbolise the character being the first african american version of the character. 42 was Jackie Robinson’s number and he was the first black professional baseball player. We see that this Spider-man has lived through many moments similar to what we saw in the maguire movies including the train pulling, a switch on kissing mary jane upside down, punched a car and also did the best dance moves ever…in a movie…ever. There’s also a nod to the Holland universe in which he holds two buses from falling off the brooklyn bridge which apes the MCU web head pulling the ferry back together. Peter’s name badge is nice and crisp almost seeming new and this completely juxtaposes Peter B Parker’s badge later in the movie which is crumpled and messy, symbolising his style compared to the one we first meet. ► Artist Attribution Music By: "KaizanBlu" • Instagram - • SoundCloud - • Facebook - • TikTok - @kaizanblu • YouTube - • DOWNLOAD @ Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Full licence here: • Music released by: Chill Out Records @ & ► Artist Attribution Music By: "After The Fall" Track Name: "Hold Me" • SoundCloud - • Instagram - • FaceBook - • DOWNLOAD @ Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Full licence here: • Music released by: Chill Out Records @ & Instrumental by Homage

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Liked on YouTube: SPIDERMAN Homecoming: Insane Details And Easter Eggs You Only Notice After Binge Watching The MCU

SPIDERMAN Homecoming: Insane Details And Easter Eggs You Only Notice After Binge Watching The MCU
SPIDERMAN Homecoming: Insane Details And Easter Eggs You Only Notice After Binge Watching The MCU. We talk the best Trivia, Easter Eggs, Hidden Details and things you missed in Spider-Man Homecoming from Marvel Studios. #Spiderman #HomeComing #EasterEggs If you enjoyed this video then please subscribe to the channel If You Want To Help Support The Channel So I Can Make More Videos Like This Please Donate Here: Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers show clothes, phonecases and accessories at - /* ----- SOCIAL MEDIA ----- */ Follow Me On Social Media At: /* ----- DISCORD ----- */ Join our Discord Community at - /* ----- VIDEO INFORMATION ----- */ Homecoming Easter Eggs Ok so the movie opens right after the battle of New York with Adrian Toomes showing off his child's drawing of the Avengers. We later learn that this was made Liz and Adrian remarking on her talent is the first clue we get that the two are related. This scene pulls back to show us Stark Tower with the A left as all that remains on it. This was shown at the end of Avengers and as we know it later became renamed to Avengers Tower. Toomes crew are salvaging scraps from the Chitauri in Central Station and we actually see the Leviathan that Thor and Hulk killed in Avengers as a main focal point in the location. We're introduced to Damage Control which are actually fictional construction company from the comics. The vendetta between Toomes and Stark is set up here and we also get a subtle hint that they're opposites to one another. Toomes theme that we can hear introduced in the background here is actually the same as the Avenger's but in minor tonality which shows how he is a darker version of the hero. Adrian is really a blue collar worker that felt screwed over by the one percent that took things into his own hands and rejected the idea that he should always be a second class citizen that has no control over his destiny. Toomes is literally shown in the opening having to deal with the trash left behind by the Avengers whilst Tony profits off it and it makes the villain one of the most relatable characters in the entire MCU. We jump forward 8 years but this actually messes up the timeline quite a bit as Civil War takes place 4 years after Avengers which happens in 2012. If this time jump was right then that would mean this movie takes place in 2020. I kinda wish they would just replace this title card like...come on man you added new scenes for the Star Wars movies on Disney Plus...someone couldn't just do this like one time. Anyway never mind, we jump to Peter and see the trip to Berlin from his point of view in Civil War. Peter gets given a new suit in a briefcase which could be a reference to Iron Man 2 in which Tony gets his new suit out of a case called The Football, a reference to the nuclear launch code that travel with the president. Peter jumps into the fight and it lines up perfectly with the battle from Civil War. We also see the bruises that Tony recieves in that film, namely his black eye appear in the car in the exact same place. We also see a hint of Peter's spider sense starting to develop as just before Happy is about his a car Peter looks back and forth nervously and then Hap honks the horn before missing the collision. Tony calls Happy forehead of security which is a call back to the jibe he did to the character in Iron Man 3 and he rejects Peter's hug as he leans over. This hug would come to get some closure on it as when Tony and Peter reunite in Endgame that first thing that the former does is hug him. Flash forward two months and we see Peter texting happy but he's getting blanked. Don't be afraid to double text...triple text...whhaaat quadruple text. That's just embarrassing. Peter's phone has a crack on it and throughout the movie it gets more and more damaged even... Music By Lakey Inspired » Patreon: » Spotify: » SoundCloud: » Instagram: » SnapChat: Lakeyinspired ► Artist Attribution Music By: "KaizanBlu" • Instagram - • SoundCloud - • Facebook - • TikTok - @kaizanblu • YouTube - • DOWNLOAD @ Licence: Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-SA 4.0) - Full licence here: • Music released by: Chill Out Records @ &

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Friday, 30 October 2020


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Liked on YouTube: The Secret World Of Only Fans... (Part 3)

The Secret World Of Only Fans... (Part 3)
#TheSecretWorldOfOnlyFans How to get started. How to make money... All your questions answered... A Special thanks to Marissa Frost for letting me pivk her brain!! Follow her on twitter - & onlyfans *If you found this video useful please use my referral link to join OF today :D - #AD This Video Is Sponsored By #JuviasPlace 🖤Links For Products Used 🖤 (Affiliate Links Will Be Marked With An (*) All links marked with (*) at the beginning of the line - I will make a percentage of any money paid for items using my direct link) The chocolates: The Royalty ii: I am magic concealer shade 12 : The Queen Gloss: The Saharan Blush Palette Vol. 1: 🧡MY MERCH 🧡 💜POBOX 💜 Petty Paige 6 Thornes Office Park Mockton Road Wakefield WF2 7AN United Kingdom 💙MY SOCIAL MEDIA 💙 Twitter - @PaigeChristieUK YouNow - @PaigeChristieUK Snap - PaigeChristieUK Insta - @PaigeChristieUK FB - PaigeChristieUK 💚Resources/Links 💚 ❤️Credits ❤️ Background Edit for Receipts - Beauty Guru Intro - 💛Disclaimer 💛 Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. It is illegal to make a false copyright claim and such actions may lead to our party seeking compensation for losses. This video was created and published by Paige Christie in her personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and should not be taken as fact. The validity of any evidence provided should be independently checked for authenticity, and Paige Christie takes no responsibility for the actions of those viewing this video. Please don't send any Hate/Mean spirited comments to anyone spoken about in my videos. PETTY GANG - We are a family who critiques! If you wish to continue the discussion and further critique any people mentioned and/or myself please feel free to do so, but Straight Bashing is not acceptable, nor do I condone it. 💖All opinions are my own - Remember to form your own - Because I'M JUST PETTY! 💖

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Liked on YouTube: The Secret World Of Only Fans... (Part 2)

The Secret World Of Only Fans... (Part 2)
#TheSecretWorldOfOnlyFans What are the pitfalls? What is to be considered? We talk to my mum and speak about feminisms inpact on this industry. Lets Discuss... #AD This Video Is Sponsored By #JuviasPlace 🧡MY MERCH 🧡 💜POBOX 💜 Petty Paige 6 Thornes Office Park Mockton Road Wakefield WF2 7AN United Kingdom 💙MY SOCIAL MEDIA 💙 Twitter - @PaigeChristieUK YouNow - @PaigeChristieUK Snap - PaigeChristieUK Insta - @PaigeChristieUK FB - PaigeChristieUK 💚Resources/Links 💚 🖤Links For Products Used 🖤 (Affiliate Links Will Be Marked With An (*) All links marked with (*) at the beginning of the line - I will make a percentage of any money paid for items using my direct link) ❤️Credits ❤️ Background Edit for Receipts - Beauty Guru Intro - 💛Disclaimer 💛 Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. It is illegal to make a false copyright claim and such actions may lead to our party seeking compensation for losses. This video was created and published by Paige Christie in her personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and should not be taken as fact. The validity of any evidence provided should be independently checked for authenticity, and Paige Christie takes no responsibility for the actions of those viewing this video. Please don't send any Hate/Mean spirited comments to anyone spoken about in my videos. PETTY GANG - We are a family who critiques! If you wish to continue the discussion and further critique any people mentioned and/or myself please feel free to do so, but Straight Bashing is not acceptable, nor do I condone it. 💖All opinions are my own - Remember to form your own - Because I'M JUST PETTY! 💖

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Liked on YouTube: The Secret World Of Only Fans... (Part 1)

The Secret World Of Only Fans... (Part 1)
#TheSecretWorldOfOnlyFans Why people are leaving their jobs and starting Only Fans? Lets Discuss... #AD This Video Is Sponsored By #JuviasPlace 🧡MY MERCH 🧡 💜POBOX 💜 Petty Paige 6 Thornes Office Park Mockton Road Wakefield WF2 7AN United Kingdom 💙MY SOCIAL MEDIA 💙 Twitter - @PaigeChristieUK YouNow - @PaigeChristieUK Snap - PaigeChristieUK Insta - @PaigeChristieUK FB - PaigeChristieUK 💚Resources/Links 💚 🖤Links For Products Used 🖤 (Affiliate Links Will Be Marked With An (*) All links marked with (*) at the beginning of the line - I will make a percentage of any money paid for items using my direct link) ❤️Credits ❤️ Background Edit for Receipts - Beauty Guru Intro - 💛Disclaimer 💛 Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. It is illegal to make a false copyright claim and such actions may lead to our party seeking compensation for losses. This video was created and published by Paige Christie in her personal capacity. The opinions expressed in this article are the author's own and should not be taken as fact. The validity of any evidence provided should be independently checked for authenticity, and Paige Christie takes no responsibility for the actions of those viewing this video. Please don't send any Hate/Mean spirited comments to anyone spoken about in my videos. PETTY GANG - We are a family who critiques! If you wish to continue the discussion and further critique any people mentioned and/or myself please feel free to do so, but Straight Bashing is not acceptable, nor do I condone it. 💖All opinions are my own - Remember to form your own - Because I'M JUST PETTY! 💖

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chewbacca: Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 — 2003)

chewbacca:Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 — 2003)


Sabrina the Teenage Witch (1996 — 2003)

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Liked on YouTube: "Blue Moon" Full Moon w/Twin & Political SCANDAL

"Blue Moon" Full Moon w/Twin & Political SCANDAL
Wanna BOOK A PRIVATE READING or Reiki Energy Healing Session via video call? I use this site to help streamline the process for us, whether you're purchasing a reading for yourself or a gift certificate for someone else. This site explains pricing options, my availability, the types of questions that are appropriate for Tarot, etc. You can choose your reading length, your time zone (anywhere in the world), the date/time you'd like to schedule, and process payment all from there. My calendar will only schedule appointments for 90 days out - if you don't see any availability, new slots will open each day so please check back later. After you're finished on the site, please click the link below to use your Skype account (or create one) to send a chat message to me at . Sending me a chat message via Skype will enable me to video call you at our appointment time, otherwise I won't be able to reach you. For any other questions, troubleshooting, or business inquiries, please e-mail me at and I will get back with you as soon as I am able. All videos are only alleged. What do the cards have to say about the #bluemoon #fullmoon #halloween ?! JOIN The Perk Squad to get access to FIVE exclusive perks!!!! (or try) To Leave a Tip / Donation: Venmo & Cashapp (USA-Only) at BeasTalksAndTarot Google Pay (International) at PO BOX Mailing Address (don't use words "PO Box", "suite", or "apt"): 1830 S. Lake Dr. #85593 Lexington, SC 29073 Twitter: @MsBLK87 Background Music Credit: various non-copyright songs from "Free Stock Music Playlist" including but not limited to artists such as my favorite, LiQWYD, credited below. Intro Song Credit: Remixed segment of the song "Morning Dew" by LiQWYD (

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Thursday, 29 October 2020

the-memedaddy: meirl

the-memedaddy: meirl



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Liked on YouTube: An initial look at The Sims 4's skintone update

An initial look at The Sims 4's skintone update
Donate to Chron's UK: I upload Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7PM UK Time I stream Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 3pm UK Time --- i'm from Middlesbrough in England which is why i sound like that and is also why my videos contain swearing. Aimed at 16+. translations: hen = hun howay/oway = come on us = me (e.g. don't look at us like that = don't look at me like that) our = my (e.g. our mam = my mam) --- twitch .. instagram .. @plumbellayt twitter .. @plumbellayt tumblr .. gallery id .. jessemcnamarax merch: -- business email: Plumbella PO Box 252 Middlesbrough TS8 8DU

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Liked on YouTube: Are Ghosts REAL?!

Are Ghosts REAL?!
Do you believe in ghosts? What happens when we die? Is Paranormal activity real? Unsolved Mysteries Volume 2 Episode 4 "Tsunami Spirits" informed us that on March 11, 2011, a massive tsunami devastated the coast o f the Tohoku region of Northeastern Japan. Nearly 20,000 lives were lost. The month that followed, tons of strange encounters, paranormal activity, and ghost encounters were reported. What is an earthbound spirit? Or residual energy? Was this a haunting? If you'd like to send any tips or donations to support me you can do so here, thank you: [paypal email:] ☆★ LIVE Antphrodite PSYCHIC TAROT READINGS ☆★ BOOK A PRIVATE TAROT READING FROM ME ☆★ Personalized Video shoutouts ☆★ VIEW ALL MY CELEBRITY PREDICTIONS: ☆★ WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: ☆★ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIALS: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: Website: These are for entertainment purposes only #UnsolvedMysteries #Paranormal #Ghost

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Miss you little one 💙⠀ #Snails

Miss you little one 💙⠀ #Snails

Wednesday, 28 October 2020

Liked on YouTube: The Halloween Killer: The Case Of Lisa French & Gerald Turner - Podcast #137

The Halloween Killer: The Case Of Lisa French & Gerald Turner - Podcast #137
Support Our Sponsors! code milehigher | code 80milehigher | code milehigher For more spooky content, check out the latest episode of The Sesh! YT: Lights Out Podcast: MHP Merch: Join our Discord community, it’s free! MHP YouTube: Are You Subscribed On iTunes & Spotify?! Support MHP by leaving a rating or review on iTunes :) MHP Topic Request Form: This week Kendall and Josh discuss the 1973 Case Of Lisa French & Gerald Turner AKA The Halloween Killer. Nine year old Lisa was trick-or-treating when she was sadly attacked by a neighbor. Time Stamps: 0:00 - Carole Baskin and Joe Exotic Take Over 3:58 - Tiger King’s Doc Antle Indicted On Wildlife Trafficking Charges 8:13 - Demi Lovato Shares UFO Sightings On Instagram And Says She Contacted Aliens 19:25 - Scientists Discover 2,000 Year Old Nazca Etching 30:29 - Case Of Lisa French & Gerald Turner AKA The Halloween Killer Subscribe to Kendall & Janelle’s new podcast, The Sesh! Check out Josh’s new podcast, Lights Out! iTunes: Spotify: Welcome to the Mile Higher Podcast hosted by husband and wife duo Josh Thomas & Kendall Rae! Our show is focused on Crime & Conspiracies but we delve into many other topics including unexplained phenomena, metaphysics, futurism, ancient civilizations and news stories the lamestream media doesn't cover. Our guests include experts in these topics as well as like-minded individuals who share our passion for uncovering the truth and exploring the mysteries of our universe. We never changed, we just woke up and so can you. Come chill with us every Monday and prepare to take your mind a mile higher! You can follow us on all the things: Twitter: Instagram: YouTube: Kendall: IG: TW: YT: Vlog Channel: Josh: IG: TW: Janelle: IG: TW: ✉ Send Us Mail ✉ Kendall Rae & Josh Thomas 8547 E Arapahoe Rd Ste J #233 Greenwood Village, CO 80112 *Intro: Higher by Modestep* Listen on Spotify: iTunes Download Link: iTunes Download Link:

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Liked on YouTube: Creating a Great Character for D&D #1

Creating a Great Character for D&D #1
Hey everyone. It's been a long time coming, but I decided to give you guys the full tutorial on how I make characters. Whilst this system is perhaps for players who are already acquainted with D&D, this video should hopefully help both old and new players to rethink how they make their characters. I also hope it gives Dungeon Masters some perspective on how they can better prepare their players for their upcoming campaigns. Link to the d100 Professions Table: My Discord Server:

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Liked on YouTube: We're LIVE and I have a new video coming out soon!

We're LIVE and I have a new video coming out soon!
Join my Discord: My donation link: Copyright Disclaimer: Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship and research.

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princesspolastri: when the imposter kills you and you’re waiting for someone to report your body


when the imposter kills you and you’re waiting for someone to report your body

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Liked on YouTube: illegally downloading clothes for my sims

illegally downloading clothes for my sims
download: Donate to Chron's UK: I upload Mondays, Wednesdays and Saturdays at 7PM UK Time I stream Tuesdays, Thursdays and Sundays at 3pm UK Time --- i'm from Middlesbrough in England which is why i sound like that and is also why my videos contain swearing. Aimed at 16+. translations: hen = hun howay/oway = come on us = me (e.g. don't look at us like that = don't look at me like that) our = my (e.g. our mam = my mam) --- twitch .. instagram .. @plumbellayt twitter .. @plumbellayt tumblr .. gallery id .. jessemcnamarax merch: -- business email: Plumbella PO Box 252 Middlesbrough TS8 8DU

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Reposting @anygoart: ⠀ ...⠀ "Day 27. Lantern⠀ ⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ #witchtober_anygoart #witchtober #promptlist #prompt #prompts #octoberchallenge #drawingchallenge #inktober #inktoberlist #inktoberprompts #inktoberchallenge #witch #witchdrawing #drawing #testoftalent #arts_help #sketch #sketching #artist_features #artistsoninstagram #artofinstagram #illustration #commissionart #artistsupport #hypnotizing_arts #sketch_dailydose"

Reposting @anygoart: ⠀ ...⠀ "Day 27. Lantern⠀ ⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ °⠀ #witchtober_anygoart #witchtober #promptlist #prompt #prompts #octoberchallenge #drawingchallenge #inktober #inktoberlist #inktoberprompts #inktoberchallenge #witch #witchdrawing #drawing #testoftalent #arts_help #sketch #sketching #artist_features #artistsoninstagram #artofinstagram #illustration #commissionart #artistsupport #hypnotizing_arts #sketch_dailydose"

Tuesday, 27 October 2020

thisisalsoyou: clippy




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Liked on YouTube: Hangin' Out LIVE

Hangin' Out LIVE
Wanna BOOK A PRIVATE READING or Reiki Energy Healing Session via video call? I use this site to help streamline the process for us, whether you're purchasing a reading for yourself or a gift certificate for someone else. This site explains pricing options, my availability, the types of questions that are appropriate for Tarot, etc. You can choose your reading length, your time zone (anywhere in the world), the date/time you'd like to schedule, and process payment all from there. My calendar will only schedule appointments for 90 days out - if you don't see any availability, new slots will open each day so please check back later. After you're finished on the site, please click the link below to use your Skype account (or create one) to send a chat message to me at . Sending me a chat message via Skype will enable me to video call you at our appointment time, otherwise I won't be able to reach you. For any other questions, troubleshooting, or business inquiries, please e-mail me at and I will get back with you as soon as I am able. All videos are only alleged. JOIN The Perk Squad to get access to FIVE exclusive perks!!!! (or try) To Leave a Tip / Donation: Venmo & Cashapp (USA-Only) at BeasTalksAndTarot (International-Friendly) Google Pay at PO BOX Mailing Address (don't use words "PO Box", "suite", or "apt"): 1830 S. Lake Dr. #85593 Lexington, SC 29073 Twitter: @MsBLK87 Background Music Credit: various non-copyright songs from "Free Stock Music Playlist" including but not limited to artists such as my favorite, LiQWYD, credited below.

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Reposting @tripsndrips: ⠀ ...⠀ "Blue roses & red tunnels 🌹💙 Which one is your favorite?! ⠀ (BOTH AVAILABLE) ~⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ ⠀ #fluidpour #fluidart #fluidartwork #fluidpainting #acrylicpainting #acrylicpouring #ringpour #golden #fall #painting #fluidartfinds #rose #fluidartgallery #psychedelicart #artistsoninstagram #artwork"

Reposting @tripsndrips: ⠀ ...⠀ "Blue roses & red tunnels 🌹💙 Which one is your favorite?! ⠀ (BOTH AVAILABLE) ~⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ •⠀ ⠀ #fluidpour #fluidart #fluidartwork #fluidpainting #acrylicpainting #acrylicpouring #ringpour #golden #fall #painting #fluidartfinds #rose #fluidartgallery #psychedelicart #artistsoninstagram #artwork"

Reposting @hindasavra: ⠀ ...⠀ "🎃 Inktober Day - 21 🎃⠀ ⠀ 🦇Three eyed witch🦇⠀ ⠀ In this pic, I put together two themes from different prompts🤓 And I really like it! And what do you think?🥰⠀ 1. promptlist: @odnatamyara @soniastegemann ⠀ 2. promptlist: aisarine magicartchallenges ⠀ ref: jerianie ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #monstermania2020#aisarinemagicink#inktober2020#figurestudy#cartoonartist#digitalinktober#reference#drawthisinyourstyle#illustration_best#drawingportrait#digitalartist#newtagforartists#commissionsopen#artchallenge#procreateillustration#redrawchallenge#dtiyschallenge#procreate#commissionedart#characterdesign#digitalsketch#dtiys#inktoberworld#cartoonart"

Reposting @hindasavra: ⠀ ...⠀ "🎃 Inktober Day - 21 🎃⠀ ⠀ 🦇Three eyed witch🦇⠀ ⠀ In this pic, I put together two themes from different prompts🤓 And I really like it! And what do you think?🥰⠀ 1. promptlist: @odnatamyara @soniastegemann ⠀ 2. promptlist: aisarine magicartchallenges ⠀ ref: jerianie ⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #monstermania2020#aisarinemagicink#inktober2020#figurestudy#cartoonartist#digitalinktober#reference#drawthisinyourstyle#illustration_best#drawingportrait#digitalartist#newtagforartists#commissionsopen#artchallenge#procreateillustration#redrawchallenge#dtiyschallenge#procreate#commissionedart#characterdesign#digitalsketch#dtiys#inktoberworld#cartoonart"

Liked on YouTube: 300 Subscriber Surprise Stream!

300 Subscriber Surprise Stream!
Thank you so much for all of your support! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Content Warning: We discuss any and all aspects of RA/MC and Programming in our videos to aide in deprogramming. These may include discussion of trauma and programming modalities that can be distressing to some viewers. While we most often don’t go into detail, we do want viewers to feel informed of any content they may come across. Common discussions include: mentions of ritual abuse, mind-control, torture, hypnosis, drugs, various movies and TV shows and their applications, sexual abuse and assault, facilities, sex-trafficking, MK ULTRA, religious abuse, structures, inner-world abuse, child sexual abuse, and other experiences that MK ULTRA and RA/MC survivors endure. As always, we caution viewers that there is a high likelihood of self-cuing behaviors. Please note that we have no intention of cuing others or ourselves, but cue compulsions are difficult, or sometimes painful, to ignore. We are working on deprogramming these, but of course, like all deprogramming, it's a process. We encourage viewer discretion and self-care. Please don’t be afraid to click away for a time if you’re distressed or triggered. Being aware of your limits is invaluable! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links: Our E-Mail: Feel free to e-mail us anytime! We can’t guarantee a timely response, but we try to reply to any deprogramming questions you may have. We’d love to hear from you if you’d like to reach out! Our Instagram: If you like our content, you can consider buying us a ko-fi! If that's not your style, we have an art shop in the works. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You are loved! Thanks for watching! -Circles and Quarters

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Reposting @tpiola_: ⠀ ...⠀ "Commission finished for Noriiatii on Twitter 💜🌸⠀ I want to get better at painting but when I try to get better I get slower too and it's stressful 😅 Can you relate?⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #digitalpainting #digitalart #commissions #illustration #girldrawing #artist #cute #dessin #dibujodigital #arte"

Reposting @tpiola_: ⠀ ...⠀ "Commission finished for Noriiatii on Twitter 💜🌸⠀ I want to get better at painting but when I try to get better I get slower too and it's stressful 😅 Can you relate?⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #digitalpainting #digitalart #commissions #illustration #girldrawing #artist #cute #dessin #dibujodigital #arte"

Monday, 26 October 2020

Liked on YouTube: Holes - Dig It (Official Music Video)

Holes - Dig It (Official Music Video)
I DO NOT OWN THIS! The video is owned by Walt Disney Pictures. Sung by the D-Tent Boys: Shia LaBeouf, Khleo Thomas, Byron Cotton, Brenden Jefferson, Miguel Castro, Max Kasch

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Liked on YouTube: that MESSY fantasy AUTHOR from the 2000's 🧙 psychic reading

that MESSY fantasy AUTHOR from the 2000's 🧙 psychic reading
Fantasy novels are awesome. Some of my favorites are ones about wizards and spells. I've always wanted to be sorted into a group with my friends. Maybe picking names out of a hat? The early 2000's were a crazy time, and it seems like most of us have evolved. Or have we? Controversy seems to be a foot! If you'd like to send any tips or donations to support me you can do so here, thank you: [paypal email:] ☆★ LIVE Antphrodite PSYCHIC TAROT READINGS ☆★ BOOK A PRIVATE TAROT READING FROM ME ☆★ Personalized Video shoutouts ☆★ VIEW ALL MY CELEBRITY PREDICTIONS: ☆★ WEEKLY HOROSCOPES: ☆★ FOLLOW ME ON SOCIALS: Twitter: Instagram: TikTok: Website: These are for entertainment purposes only #Antphrodite #Book #tarot

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Sunday, 25 October 2020

Liked on YouTube: TW: P-E-T Deprogramming | When an Alter Fronts with H.S. Programs

TW: P-E-T Deprogramming | When an Alter Fronts with H.S. Programs
Trigger Warning: Alter in a P-E-T programmed state, alter in H.S. (aka head-space). In this video, Cici and her subsystem (in Quarters system) begin their deprogramming externally. The first step for them as P-E-T programmed alters is to accept that H.S. is a form of dissociative trance and blocks an alter from effectively communicating and processing their trauma; at this point, an alter may reach out to other alters or safe persons to begin deprogramming. The next step is to decrease the frequency and severity of H.S. programs. This means turning off non-verbal programs and decreasing the amount of cuing behaviors, which typically take the form of animal-like behaviors for P-E-T programmed alters. It is also important to separate the P-E-T programmed alter from the alter(s) who have been assigned as their internal handlers; in cases where separation is strongly undesired by both parties, we recommend supervising future interactions between these alters and those assigned to be their internal handlers. Carazan in Circle system describes this process until Cici becomes verbal, whereupon they discuss her experience of H.S. and why living life outside of it is so important. -Carazan and Cici ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- General Content Warning: We discuss any and all aspects of RA/MC and Programming in our videos to aide in deprogramming. These may include discussion of trauma and programming modalities that can be distressing to some viewers. While we most often don’t go into detail, we do want viewers to feel informed of any content they may come across. Common discussions include: mentions of ritual abuse, mind-control, torture, hypnosis, drugs, various movies and TV shows and their applications, sexual abuse and assault, facilities, sex-trafficking, MK ULTRA, religious abuse, structures, inner-world abuse, child sexual abuse, and other experiences that MK ULTRA and RA/MC survivors endure. As always, we caution viewers that there is a high likelihood of self-cuing behaviors. Please note that we have no intention of cuing others or ourselves, but cue compulsions are difficult, or sometimes painful, to ignore. We are working on deprogramming these, but of course, like all deprogramming, it's a process. We encourage viewer discretion and self-care. Please don’t be afraid to click away for a time if you’re distressed or triggered. Being aware of your limits is invaluable! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Links: Our E-Mail: Feel free to e-mail us anytime! We can’t guarantee a timely response, but we try to reply to any deprogramming questions you may have. We’d love to hear from you if you’d like to reach out! Our Instagram: If you like our content, you can consider buying us a ko-fi! If that's not your style, we have an art shop in the works.

via YouTube

Reposting @encinasevera: ⠀ ...⠀ "💖"

Reposting @encinasevera: ⠀ ...⠀ "💖"

Liked on YouTube: TRUTH or LIES?! Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell (Demonetized!)

TRUTH or LIES?! Jeffrey Epstein & Ghislaine Maxwell (Demonetized!)
Wanna BOOK A PRIVATE READING via video call? I use this site to help streamline the process for us, whether you're purchasing a reading for yourself or a gift certificate for someone else. This site explains pricing options, my availability, the types of questions that are appropriate for Tarot, etc. You can choose your reading length, your time zone (anywhere in the world), the date/time you'd like to schedule, and process payment all from there. My calendar will only schedule appointments for 90 days out - if you don't see any availability, new slots will open each day so please check back later. After you're finished on the site, please click the link below to use your Skype account (or create one) to send a chat message to me at . Sending me a chat message via Skype will enable me to video call you at our appointment time, otherwise I won't be able to reach you. For any other questions, troubleshooting, or business inquiries, please e-mail me at and I will get back with you as soon as I am able. All videos are only alleged. What do the cards have to say about #epstein #ghislainemaxwell #future?! JOIN The Perk Squad to get access to FIVE exclusive perks!!!! (or try) Twitter: @MsBLK87 Background Music Credit: various non-copyright songs from "Free Stock Music Playlist" including but not limited to artists such as my favorite, LiQWYD, credited below. Intro Song Credit: Remixed segment of the song "Morning Dew" by LiQWYD (

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honeyiling:Nocturne 2


Nocturne 2

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Liked on YouTube: Happy Birthday, #TeamTrees!

Happy Birthday, #TeamTrees!
One. Year. Ago. #TeamTrees took over the internet to plant 20 million trees. Today, MrBeast and Mark Rober are back to tell you how it's going and what's ahead! #TeamTrees is supported by more than 800,000 people like you from all around the world. Together, we've raised over $22 million to plant 22 million trees. All over the world, with the help of Arbor Day Foundation, we're putting millions of trees in the ground. • Learn more or plant a tree at • Get the details on all our planting progress at

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Friday, 23 October 2020

miszbehave:it be like that


it be like that

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miszbehave: it be like that
starrywisdomsect: Book of Magical Charms (17th cent.) This work, penned in England by an unknown author, is a distinctive collection of selected passages from works on magic and various occult arts that describe everything from speaking with spirits, to cheating at dice, to curing a toothache. The book also includes a section of Latin prayers, […]

starrywisdomsect: Book of Magical Charms (17th cent.) This work,...


Book of Magical Charms (17th cent.)

This work, penned in England by an unknown author, is a distinctive collection of selected passages from works on magic and various occult arts that describe everything from speaking with spirits, to cheating at dice, to curing a toothache. The book also includes a section of Latin prayers, litanies, and other magical charms that seem to stick more closely to mainstream religious practices.

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of-moon-flowers: 🍁 Mabon Moodboard 🍁

of-moon-flowers: 🍁 Mabon Moodboard 🍁


🍁 Mabon Moodboard 🍁

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Thursday, 22 October 2020

disgruntledmenshevikjohnmulaney: historical-nonfiction: Girls racing sheep in Aberystwyth, Wales. 1965. girls will be girls

disgruntledmenshevikjohnmulaney: historical-nonfiction: Girls...



Girls racing sheep in Aberystwyth, Wales. 1965.

girls will be girls

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Liked on YouTube: Chinese-musical-instrument-to-heal-the-soul

Chinese-musical-instrument-to-heal-the-soul music clip channel download music and stream links

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Liked on YouTube: Raya and the Last Dragon | Official Teaser Trailer

Raya and the Last Dragon | Official Teaser Trailer
Restore peace. Find the last dragon. Watch the new trailer for Raya and the Last Dragon, in theaters March 2021. Long ago, in the fantasy world of Kumandra, humans and dragons lived together in harmony. But when an evil force threatened the land, the dragons sacrificed themselves to save humanity. Now, 500 years later, that same evil has returned and it’s up to a lone warrior, Raya, to track down the legendary last dragon to restore the fractured land and its divided people. However, along her journey, she’ll learn that it’ll take more than a dragon to save the world—it’s going to take trust and teamwork as well. From directors Don Hall and Carlos López Estrada, co-directors Paul Briggs and John Ripa, producers Osnat Shurer and Peter Del Vecho, and featuring the voices of Kelly Marie Tran as Raya and Awkwafina as the last dragon Sisu, Walt Disney Animation Studios’ “Raya and the Last Dragon” opens in U.S. theaters on March 2021. Facebook: Twitter: Instagram: Hashtag: #DisneyRaya

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Liked on YouTube: This Must Be Really Embarrassing, Jay Anderson :)

This Must Be Really Embarrassing, Jay Anderson :)
Jay (a tech support scammer) doesn't think anyone will watch this video. He's going to be really embarrassed when I show it to him... Watch the next call live: ► Submit Scams: Full Call........ Patreon........ Twitter.......... Twitch.......... Merch........... Discord......... Reddit........... Edited By......

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