Friday, 3 June 2022

Liked on YouTube: Lawtube Reacts to Amber Heard Cross-Examination | DAY 17 (PART 1) (Compilation)

Lawtube Reacts to Amber Heard Cross-Examination | DAY 17 (PART 1) (Compilation)
This video is a compilation of (mostly lawtubers/not Asmongold) reacting to Day 17 of the johnny Depp V Amber Heard trial 2022. When AMber was cross examined by Camille Vasquez. This video was so hard to make, to downloading 7+ hour long videos, to the editing... Computer nearly died... didn't use multi cam bc PR is too intensive for my laptop lol, so manual stacking... oop. But with all that said it was so fun stitching together the reaction from these mostly lawyers whenever there was a discrepancy or weird thing, all of them would immediately light up! It was so cool tbh, the passion is so much!!! SO GO SHOW THEM SOME LOVE!!!! REACTION VIDEOS: (@LegalBytes ) (@Emily D. Baker ) (@Rekieta Law ) (@Lawyer You Know ) (Asmongold TV| Not part of Lawtube) If you wanna buy me boba tea: #johnnydepptrial #amberheard #johnnydepptrialreaction #johnnydepptriallive #compilation

via YouTube

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