Thursday, 16 September 2021

Reposted from @encinasevera PTSD and C-PTSD are close to the same thing as well as very different. Everyone who has DID has C-PTSD. C-PTSD and DID both come from repetitive trauma. Reliving the trauma and feeling like you’re right back in the horrific situations makes day to day life unpredictable because anything can be a trigger. It’s rough when you are unaware of a trigger until it happens. Any kind of loud, abrupt and unpredicted sounds are a trigger for me. I don’t like going to places like sports bars because of the abrupt yelling. A dog barking all of a sudden gives me anxiety. Tons of others can be hard to deal with. That’s just one of many triggers. I’m okay with consistent loud noises like a concert and so on. If you’d like to share triggers of your own, feel free. If it’s too triggering, then take care of you and your mind. and just know that you’re loved and a wonderful human. #c-ptsd #ptsd #did #complexposttraumaticdisorder #posttraumaticstressdisorder #dissociativeidentitydisorder #trauma #triggers #mentalhealth

Reposted from @encinasevera PTSD and C-PTSD are close to the same thing as well as very different. Everyone who has DID has C-PTSD. C-PTSD and DID both come from repetitive trauma. Reliving the trauma and feeling like you’re right back in the horrific situations makes day to day life unpredictable because anything can be a trigger. It’s rough when you are unaware of a trigger until it happens. Any kind of loud, abrupt and unpredicted sounds are a trigger for me. I don’t like going to places like sports bars because of the abrupt yelling. A dog barking all of a sudden gives me anxiety. Tons of others can be hard to deal with. That’s just one of many triggers. I’m okay with consistent loud noises like a concert and so on. If you’d like to share triggers of your own, feel free. If it’s too triggering, then take care of you and your mind. and just know that you’re loved and a wonderful human. #c-ptsd #ptsd #did #complexposttraumaticdisorder #posttraumaticstressdisorder #dissociativeidentitydisorder #trauma #triggers #mentalhealth

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