LOKI Trailer Breakdown | All Easter Eggs, Hidden Details, Things You Missed, Black Widow & X-Men
LOKI Trailer Breakdown | All Easter Eggs, Hidden Details, Things You Missed, Black Widow And X-Men Teaser. We analyzed the Disney Plus Loki teaser trailer to talk about the Black Widow, Comic Book, X-Men and MCU Easter Eggs and Things You Missed. #Loki #DisneyPlus #Marvel #MCU #Trailer #LokiTrailer #Wandavision #FalconAndTheWinterSoldier #IronMan #BlackWidow #CaptainAmerica #DisneyInvestorsDay #Disney #Phase4 #Phase5 If you enjoyed this video then please subscribe to the channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq3hT5JPPKy87JGbDls_5BQ?sub_confirmation=1 If You Want To Help Support The Channel So I Can Make More Videos Like This Please Donate Here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCq3hT5JPPKy87JGbDls_5BQ/join Get some awesome Heavy Spoilers show clothes, phonecases and accessories at - https://ift.tt/2Np49xT *Check out our BEST new videos below* *TENET* Easter Eggs Breakdown - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VujAkEN-FOo *SPIDER-MAN 3* Everything We Know So Far - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XiDxMGQq8DM *Avengers Endgame* Easter Eggs I Noticed After Watching The Infinity Saga - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7y6OdczZAK4 *THE CROWN* Season 5 And 6: Everything We Know - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCWPJAane5Q *BATMAN BEGINS* Easter Eggs I Noticed After Watching The Dark Knight Trilogy - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yIJeFe35efE /* ----- SOCIAL MEDIA ----- */ Follow Me On Social Media At: https://ift.tt/2UjTaqc https://twitter.com/heavyspoilers /* ----- DISCORD ----- */ Join our Discord Community at - https://ift.tt/2NQQSOw /* ----- VIDEO INFORMATION ----- */ Welcome to the Heavy Spoilers show I'm your host Paul Deffinition aka The God Of Spoilers and this video we're breaking down all the easter eggs in the Loki Trailer. It's filled to the brim with easter eggs and even a cool little X-Men easter egg that does show how the mutants could be coming to the MCU. Now the trailer opens with the scene from Avengers Endgame in which Loki stole the tesseract once more and transported himself to an alternate timeline. There's a couple of additional shots here and there but what I love about this scene ties all the way back to the Avengers. You may remember in that that Tony told Loki there was no version in which he would come out on top. However, we do see that there is one in which he's able to escape and get far away from his original fate which was to be taken back to Asguard for the events of Thor The Dark World. And any excuse to get away from that I'll take it, ey you having that! Now whilst Loki was dead in the original timeline, what this branched reality allows for is the character to come back. We do know that the upcoming spider-man movie will be featuring several versions of Peter Parker, so we do know that there is a way to connect everyone back to the main universe even if they're in a fractured one. Kevin Feige announced yesterday that Wandavision was going to tie in directly to Doctor Strange which in turn would tie-into Spider-man 3 and it is likely that this show will be a part of that as well due to the TVA. The TVA are the Time Variance Authority and they are basically timelords that monitor alternate realities and fractures across the multiverse. I'll talk about that later in the video but this scene is not the only time that Loki has managed to cheat death so I think it's the perfect way to start the trailer. Now Loki is transported across the universe and we can see that there are almost rainbow like colours in this portal which are very similar to the Bi-frost. The character crash lands in a desert and around him we can see a lot of scraps. This shot is very similar to the one right after Iron Man escaped the cave in his first solo movie and just in the same way we watched the character transform from a selfish individual into a hero, it's likely the same thing will happen here. Now a lot of people were wondering why the character didn't just flee the TVA if he had the tesseract, however we can see here that he no longer has it, so he's clearly lost it along the way. ► Artist Attribution Lofi Geek @Spotify: https://spoti.fi/3g16Pgr Lofi Geek Official Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCyD59CI7beJDU493glZpxgA Artwork @mb0sco Music By Lakey Inspired » Patreon: https://ift.tt/2geo2Ul » Spotify: https://goo.gl/aLkwM5 » SoundCloud: https://ift.tt/19SWxwS » Instagram: https://ift.tt/2nzLFxI » SnapChat: Lakeyinspired
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kzKInNO4KVg
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