Friday, 6 July 2018

Liked on YouTube: I Dated a Pathological Liar.

I Dated a Pathological Liar.
Literally up to the moment I'm typing this, I'm wondering if i shouldn't post it. It's very personal, it's very embarrassing, and it's very scary. However, I'm hoping that maybe this might serve as a wake up call to someone who might be caught in a situation like this. This guy was never violent, rarely raised his voice. Coming from an abusive past, it was hard for me to recognize what he was doing as abuse because it was all mental. Just because someone presents themselves to the world as a sweet guy, doesn't mean they're not emotionally abusive. If you're in a relationship where you're constantly having to wonder what's true or not, you need to not be in that relationship. If it's because of something they're saying or doing, that person is not ready to be in a relationship. If it's your own insecurity and trust issues, you are not ready to be in a relationship. Distance yourself. Stay healthy, stay safe, stay happy. PS. MY THERAPIST SUPPORTED ME POSTING THIS HAHAHAHA TOO LONG TO INCLUDE IN THE VIDEO but like... honestly bonkers and I wanna talk about it. Remember the medium from my "MY SCARIEST GHOST EXPERIENCE" video? When I first started dating this guy, FIRST started, didn't tell ANYone about him yet because it was so new, that same medium reached out to me. She told me: "Hi Gabbie, Are you dating or considering dating someone? If so, please make your Grandma happy & have him checked out so that you know for sure who he is, what his intentions are, etc. as she wants to make sure no one tries to get close to you due to you being a celebrity & that the person is interested in you as the person not the celebrity. Love you ❤" She then followed up with: "I heard your Grandma telling me what I wrote to you. She just wanted you to be cautious about any new relationships because she doesn't want anyone to take advantage of you. She is proud of you & is happy that you are living your dream & wants to make sure that you only let those who are truly interested in you as a person & not you the celebrity. I Love You ❤" Because this guy had no social media presence, it didn't really strike me as anything important. However, I realized what the message meant (again, in hindsight). This kid was always obsessed with the "vine world" and would brag about dating me, post pictures of me publicly, really pressure me to come out around his friends when I wasn't comfortable, pressured me into meeting his family way before I felt ready. There's too much to explain in a comment, but it just became so apparent that this guy never actually was interested in me, he was interested it dating "The Gabbie Show"... if that makes sense. FROM NOW ON I'M ACCEPTING ALL MESSAGES FROM GRANDMA. 🔔 TURN ON MY NOTIFICATIONS🔔 Try BetterHelp: vlog about my BetterHelp experience: 🚨DOWNLOAD “SATELLITE” NOW!! 🚨DOWNLOAD “OUT LOUD” NOW!! 🚨BUY ADULTOLESCENCE! USE MY LYFT CODE! "GABBIE38" ▶SUBSCRIBE! ▶MY VLOG CHANNEL! ▶FOLLOW ME ON INSTAGRAM: @thegabbieshow ▶FOLLOW ME ON TWITTER: @thegabbieshow ▶SNAP ME! I SNAP BACK: TheGabbieShow ▶ ▶MUSICAL.LY/LIVE.LY: @thegabbieshow

via YouTube

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