WHERE IS Alissa Turney?! + Featuring Her SISTER
Please SHARE with anyone you can and use the hashtag #JusticeForAlissa PETITION for Michael Turney go to trial!: https://bit.ly/2Nr0yMq THORN CAMPAIGN: https://bit.ly/2qKD12F DONATION LINK: https://bit.ly/2uzmoqd Follow @SarahETurney on twitter Follow this Instagram account run by Sarah for updates: @justiceforalissaturney Are you a graphic designer?! I need your help for the next Thorn design! -ANY design is okay to submit, doesn’t have to be themed for my channel, just something you think people would buy! -Must be in proper format -Thorn will thank you with a t-shirt! Btw! The necklace I’m wearing is from Artifact Adventure! Use the code kendallrae and 10% of your purchase will go to Thorn and you get 15% off! https://ift.tt/2L92Bbf Submit here: https://goo.gl/forms/phqdAeGVOmXS2Akr2 Thank you Katey C for your design! Instagram: Kateycounts98 or kateycountsphotography FOUND: Jaycee Lee Dugard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=or9O1y_wQSg&t=200s More WHERE IS ✦Full Series Playlist: http://bit.ly/2lnVoHd ✦WHERE IS Madeleine McCann: http://bit.ly/2jDg8dE ✦WHERE IS Kristin Smart: https://bitly.is/2lRegea ✦WHERE IS Maury Murray: http://bit.ly/2mV5Svh ✦WHERE IS Bruno Borges: http://bit.ly/2pUiZhx ✦WHERE IS Kyron Horman: http://bit.ly/2rBNwVw ✦WHERE IS Asha Degree: http://bit.ly/2tXH0tz ✦WHERE IS Jennifer Kesse: https://bit.ly/2zPsIil ✦WHERE IS Monique Daniels:http://bit.ly/2gVWqsr ✦WHERE IS Amy Bradley: https://youtu.be/R0w5h0ec2OI ✦WHERE IS William Tyrell: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EcTQGx-06kk&t=85s ✦WHERE IS Danielle Imbo and Richard Petrone https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=obSbNJ1vN4M&t=12s ✦WHERE IS Johnny Gosch? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SQIL21KPaqo&t=1221s ✦WHERE IS Bryce Laspisa: https://youtu.be/FRJ8XPFT-Xo ✦WHERE IS Sabrina Aisenberg: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WlHHzVX4RlU&t=63s New to my channel? Click to join us! We like to think ;) http://goo.gl/dZY9CI Subscribe to my husband Josh's channel: http://bit.ly/2ngj0xG Visit my website: https://ift.tt/2ywzcQU 🔍👁 MILE HIGHER PODCAST (FREE TO LISTEN and watch!)👽⛰ 🗣YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/milehigherpodcast?sub_confirmation=1 🗣MHP Website: https://ift.tt/2CMpSHS 🗣Soundcloud: https://ift.tt/2Gdudpv 🗣iTunes: https://ift.tt/2rCbNM6 🗣Spotify: https://ift.tt/2GgBQLZ 🗣TuneIn: http://tun.in/piSAC 🗣Stitcher: https://ift.tt/2rCjlyr 🗣Google Play: https://ift.tt/2GdOA6c 📸INSTAGRAM FOR UPDATES: MileHigherPodcast Twitter: MileHigherPod C O N T A C T: ✉ For Business Inquiries ONLY, please contact my manager Mat at TeamKendall@ViralNation.com ✉FanMail: SunRaeLove@KendallRaeOnYT.com ✉Video Requests: Requests@KendallRaeOnYT.com ✉ Send me mail ✉ Kendall Rae 8700 E JEFFERSON AVE PO Box 372061 DENVER, CO 80237
via YouTube https://youtu.be/h4izLpteKSY
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