Colleen Ballinger's "Toxic Gossip Train" Apology EXPOSES Her True Colors
Since we at the clown show let me get my wig nose and 10ft shoes #colleenballinger Lyrics for Hot Mess Express: I've had a lot of people over the years tell me that drama channels aren’t talented, And that we create content on others because we have nothing to offer the world, When in reality? I am talented I just do this job by choice… I just never thought in my lifetime I would see someone singing their way out of accountability All abord the hot mess express moving its way down to cancellation station, The hot mess express, if you write it in a song maybe the viewers will be patient, The hot mess express, You should have listened to your team about reacting to this scene Can’t focus on the facts if your facts cannot be backed Despite the grooming allegations Miranda’s still poking fun…. Miranda it is not us who is toxic it is you, You need to gain perspective put it on the other shoe, Your lack of accountability while saying accountability is really funny sister its been really sending me I dunno if your just dumb or if you just need reminding Of all of the tangible proof your audience keeps finding You know like the fact that a child can literally say with proof that they obtained your underwear, had sexual conversations with you and you also sent them pornography. You said you wanted to focus on the facts but didn’t provide any facts meaning that stupid gullible people who watch this sorry excuse for an apology will find you agreeable, as there is nothing to disagree with as no information at Manipulation station, is the place that you reside, You didn’t want to lie so in a song you just disguised The fact that you will never ever ever apologies, You can reverse a song but you can not rehearse the lies, Your fans were traumatised when on the stage you’d spread their legs When they would put their tiny hands inside your pants and then You tell them that they look like porn , But at least you have those consent forms. The hot mess express moving its way down to cancellation station, The hot mess express, if you write it in a song maybe the viewers will be patient, The hot mess express, You should have listened to your team about reacting to this scene Can’t focus on the facts if your facts cannot be backed Despite the grooming allegations Miranda’s still poking fun…. Say what they want about you colleen you are a performer, and this was the permanence of a lifetime I couldn’t help but find you lying in your song when you said people wouldn’t find miranda sings on the YouTube kids app. Colleen its almost as if you think that screenshots don’t exist. Did you tell a fan to show their ass, yes Did you ask vagina stories underage yes Did you make kids work for free or pennies yes Did you open up their thighs and make them freezes This isn’t just chit chat with your friends in conversations This is the kinda stuff that could lead to investigation… Accountability is saying that you know your wrong Accountability isn’t singing a fucking song Accountability can’t be taught it must be felt Accountability is the actions holstered in your belt You hurt some kids who were underaged and that the truth But in your head you still the victim somehow get a clue? Instead of taking responsibility You pulled out a ukulele I can already hear the response from fans Omg Paige get a job - this is it Omg Paige aren’t you a mom? Yes Omg Paige you have so much time… yes I do Oh you wish colleen is better than you - probably Brace yourself because this is the bottom of the barrel, you should have thought twice before you F*CKED with Adam. You only have yourself to blame for this mess and this is how you choose to adress? this in a song? Girl... Colleen im beginning to think you aren’t smart, because how does a woman who has a whole comedic segment on YouTube apologies decide the best thing is to sing a faux apology This isn’t about boundaries It's the trauma that you gave them teens You are victim of yourself And they are victims of you don’t you see Now we aren’t perfect we have all made mistakes - yes. Do we all over share some times ? Yes. But are we all in group chats with kids - no? And did we only just leave those group chats this week? No. And for what it’s worth colleen, you only said sorry once in your video when you cotdisendingl said “I'm sorry I didn't know that you were perfect. You gave the biggest fuck you to everyone. I thought maybe your just trolling And I just missed the joke I really tried to hear you point of view, But it always comes back to the common denominator And colleen the problem is you. 🧡Join My Patreon To Support🧡 ❤️Membership to the Potty Mouth's ❤️ Want to support the channel further ? 💙MY Twitch 💙 Twitch -
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