Tuesday, 15 November 2022

Liked on YouTube: Sassy Chihuahua Won't Stop Zooming and Keep Causing Trouble | Cuddle Dog

Sassy Chihuahua Won't Stop Zooming and Keep Causing Trouble | Cuddle Dog
Subscribe to Cuddle Buddies: https://bit.ly/3J5d2Ym Tina the chihuahua was one a lonely dog, her owner passed away and she had no family. Luckily her forever mamma was waiting around the corer. They helped each other to overcome loss and became inseparable. Since Tina joined her new family she started to sing, meow, quack and zoom around. She's the happiest dog now. Please follow her zoomies on: https://ift.tt/xmHSPU4 https://ift.tt/eO3nzu1 Similar videos on Cuddle Buddies: Nobody Can Keep Up with this Bulldog’s Pilates Routine https://youtu.be/IdvgUn8YvAU Pit Bull with Eye Brows Becomes Super Close with Foster Sibling https://youtu.be/W9JBY2LPptY Follow us on social media: Facebook: https://ift.tt/DxJGVkh Instagram: https://ift.tt/YaMF5Js TikTok: https://ift.tt/6DGWZgp Cuddle Buddies If animals had a favourite channel — this would be the one. Cuddle Buddies is where animals find their unique voices. Hit subscribe together with your cuddle buddy! We discover the true personality of each pet, be it silliness or wisdom. We create videos of amazing animals, and show how animals see the world around them. Heartbreaking stories, funny animal videos, rescue missions — with a fresh perspective. Cuddle Buddies is a channel for people who talk to their little friends and listen to what they have to say. Because every animal can teach us something. They can be goofy and deep, we just let the animals speak. We’re constantly searching for new stories, so if you have something to tell, contact us by the address below.πŸ‘‡ If you have an animal story, please write us an email to cuddlebuddies.channel@gmail.com #tinydog #chihuahua #tinathedog #cuddlebuddies #tinathechi #funkybuddies #adopteddog #rescuedog #wildlife

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v5MDFns3JjI

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