Monday, 8 August 2022

Liked on YouTube: HORRIFYING NIGHT in a DEMONS PLAYGROUND | Goldfield Hotel (w/Amanda)

HORRIFYING NIGHT in a DEMONS PLAYGROUND | Goldfield Hotel (w/Amanda)
Twin Paranormal takes Amanda a psychic medium into the haunted goldfield hotel, where we encountered intense paranormal activity and the spirits inside warn us of an evil spirit that was hiding from us. This haunted hotel is so scary some ghost hunters won’t even go in it… HELP US MAKE MORE CONTENT AND GO TO CRAZY PLACES! πŸ–€πŸ–€ Patron: PayPal: GET OUR MERCH - This is the second episode of our series in Tonopah stay tuned for the finale next week you’re not gonna wanna miss it! Twin Paranormal brings you brand new ghost hunting videos every single week! Make sure you subscribe! #Haunted #Paranormal #Scary Check out Amandas channel: Editors: Ryan and River About: Twin Paranormal face anything scary from demons to skin walkers and go to the most haunted and abandoned places, bringing you along for the ride. Places like the Washoe Club, the Demon House, Astoria underground, Shanghai tunnels, the Clown Motel and more! JOIN THE GHOST GANG!!: _________________________________ Follow us on all our social media Instagram- @twinparanormal @wolfrees @riverghostrees @wyatt_k_hausman Twitter- @TwinParanormal @xRYANxREESx @RiverRees @SPOOKYDOOKI3 Twin Paranormal

via YouTube

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