Community Q&A - Answering your questions (with BraiDID Bunch). UNCUT.
TIME STAMPS ⬇️ This video is completely unedited and uncut except for redacting the name of one person who is not part of the community. No other changes or alterations were made to the original recording before it was posted here. It was recorded through Zoom, and is voluntarily unmonetised. These questions were gathered from community members on social media. The list may not be 100% inclusive, but significant time was spent putting them together as comprehensively as possible. PLEASE WATCH THE DISCLAIMERS, TRIGGER WARNINGS AND DISCLAIMERS AT THE BEGINNING OF THE VIDEO. 00:00 - Intro / disclaimers / background / trigger warnings & important info. 07:15 - Allegations from The Entropy System. 23:51 - Patreon and Finances. 34:26 - Copyright strikes. 41:15 - How we addressed the hate mob. 43:45 - Issues of Race & allegations of Cultural appropriation. 1:04:10 - Sexuality & appropriateness online. 1:23:00 - Banana Intermission (food & toilet break.) 1:28:40 - The DID Sleepover recount / Axolotls In A Trenchcoat System “allegations”. 2:04:30 - Allegations of DID misinformation/misrepresentation. 2:33:35 - DID Diagnosis. 2:51:00 - Alters in our System & their treatment. 3:00:00 - Toilet break. 3:05:00 - Team Piñata. 3:25:25 - Multiplicity & Me and the Anthony Padilla Interview. 3:40:33 - small chat/logistics break. 3:45:40 - BoboandCo allegations. 3:58:45 - The Entropy System and Piñata System fallout. 4:06:40 - SRA book/Inner world theft allegations. 4:09:25 - Alleged theft of trauma history from FB groups. 4:13:45 - University & suicide attempts. 4:22:45 - Allegations of art theft/tracing. 4:28:15 - End & final details. A huge thank you to our wonderful friend and interviewer, Charlie from "The BraiDID Bunch", for keeping us safe while discussing triggering issues, reminding us to ground, and helping us to tackle this interview with such delicacy, gentleness and genuine care. Follow their System: Tiktok: @brai.did.bunch - All Braididbunch socials - The MF Network (DID System & Psychologist with a specialism in trauma and dissociative disorders): Linktree: Main TikTok: - Secondary TikTok: - Third Tik Tok: @mfn.warriors - We reached out to the MF Network before uploading this to check that it was alright to recommend them to those in search of educational material, and they gave us permission to keep that in this video. They do want to clarify that while they're not fully qualified and licensed in DID specifically, (yet!), they are a Psychologist with a specialism in trauma and dissociative disorders. They are currently working towards being top of the field in neuroscience and psychology of dissociative disorders. They have the credentials and education - they aren't licensed to practice and treat - but they are educated and qualified to speak on DID and Dissociative Disorders from both a clinical and personal perspective. If you would like to ask any member of their System for information about DID or trauma, please be sure to be respectful and patient. They have their own life and are graduates currently studying at the very prestigious King's College London under Dr Simone Reinders, who is the leading neuropsychologist in the research field of DID. They are also a diagnosed DID system and therefore trauma survivors dealing with their own symptoms. They do not owe you any answers. Please be respectful. Another final firm reminder: PLEASE DO NOT SEND HATE TO ANYONE MENTIONED IN THIS VIDEO. We made this to take full and loud accountability for ignorant mistakes we made in the past, to put a multitude of untruths and lies about us to rest once and for all, and to finally have our side of the story told. -Kya & Co DissociaDID DISSOCIADID LINKS: SUPPORT OUR SYSTEM: (Our Patreon is for our art - it's not connected to or part of DissociaDID.) OTHER PLACES OUR SYSTEM IS ACTIVE (these accounts are not used as part of the DissociaDID project and do not represent DissociaDID. They are not designed for education, they are for personal use by the System, but you are welcome to hang out with us if you’d like to.) #DissociaDID #dissociativeidentitydisorder #mentalhealth
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