Friday, 19 February 2021

Liked on YouTube: I Was Abducted By Aliens | TRULY

I Was Abducted By Aliens | TRULY
SUBSCRIBE to Truly: A film about one of Britain's strangest phone helplines – Anomalous Mind Management Abductee Contact Helpline, or AMMACH, the 999 for people who believe they have been victims of alien abduction. The film follows some of the 100 members who use the helpline, including Simon, a town councillor who believes that in addition to his earthbound wife he has a family of alien children with an alien lover. There's also Chantelle, a housewife who's been abducted thousands of times and wants her encounters to stop. And there’s Marie, an accountant who believes that her DNA has been altered and that she may be part alien. These ordinary people all share the extraordinary belief that they have had alien encounters, and have contacted AMMACH in a bid to understand why these strange other worldly experiences are happening to them. CREDIT: Off The Fence Please note this content is not available for licensing from Barcroft Studios Ltd. Click here to follow your favourite Truly shows on Instagram! Truly - Born Different - Shake My Beauty - Hooked On The Look - Beastly - Ridiculous Rides - Dog Dynasty - For more amazing content, click here! Beastly: Barcroft Cars:

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