Monday, 9 November 2020

Liked on YouTube: Tarek Mentouri's Body Language on The Dr Phil Show

Tarek Mentouri's Body Language on The Dr Phil Show
Tarek Mentouri appeared on CBS The Dr Phil show to clear his name. What do four of the world's top body language and behavior experts, The Behavior Panel, make of the pre-show interview before their appearance on the show as Dr. Phil's experts? Clip of the Dr. Phil Show here: Former Interrogator To Massage Therapist Accused Of Misconduct: ‘You Can’t Hide Your Body Language’ Official Merch Here: The Behavior Panel Scott Rouse: Mark Bowden: Chase Hughes: Greg Hartley: The Dr. Phil show provides the most comprehensive forum on mental health issues in the history of television. For over a decade, Dr. McGraw has used the show's platform to make psychology accessible and understandable to the general public by addressing important personal and social issues. The Behavior Panel is a group made up of the world's top body language and behavior experts, Mark Bowden, Scott Rouse, Greg Hartley, and Chase Hughes. Together they analyze the body language and behavior displayed in videos in the public interest. The Behavior Panel is a non-partisan group, looking to educate and entertain the public with their interest and expertise in nonverbal communication, body language, deception detection, interrogation, and resistance to interrogation. By looking at the gestures, facial expressions, micro-expressions, and context around what people say, this group of nonverbal behavior experts reveals the possible truth and deceptions. This behavior profiler group, takes on the task of investigating the behavior behind the news that often force us to think and feel the way we do. The Behavior Panel is a task force made up of four of the best body language and behavior profiler experts in the world. the behaviour panel the behavior panel #tarek #drphil #thebehaviorpanel

via YouTube

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