Tuesday, 7 November 2017

Liked on YouTube: Why Fred and George never saw Peter Pettigrew - EXPLAINED!!

Why Fred and George never saw Peter Pettigrew - EXPLAINED!!
So, what do you think? Why did Fred and George never notice Peter Pettigrew on The Marauder's Map? Do you think they just weren't looking? Or do you think that he wasn't on the map because of the way the Marauder's made it? I originally got this idea from here (but compiled the evidence myself): http://ift.tt/2zm0n1P Going to America tomorrow and big things are about to happen: add my snapchat to see more... @seamusgorman4 THANKS FOR WATCHING!!! SUBSCRIBE!!! For Business Enquires: seamusgormanbusiness@gmail.com YouNow - http://ift.tt/2mBHjTW Twitter - https://twitter.com/GormanSeamus Instagram - http://ift.tt/2c12bR7 Snapchat - seamusgorman4 T-SHIRTS: http://ift.tt/2m4jTbM #SeamusTalksAboutStuff

via YouTube https://youtu.be/nMZlMD0Y7F4

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