I tried learning to skateboard in 7 days
If you enjoyed, subscribe for more! Merch: https://ift.tt/rMXHFnc Twitter: http://twitter.com/CallMeKevin1811 Instagram: https://ift.tt/zT50F61 Clips Channel: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCoB1WvtNPod0bTbPTsSGx7Q Editors: Fluffyrox4 Call Me Kevin Kippesoep001 I tried learning to skateboard in 7 days #CallMeKevin #Skateboarding #Challenge
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HkyMroZSoT4
Posted @withrepost • @makedaisychains I’m feeling so rough with covid. It’s awful. Collection of drawings about being fed up, tired and giving yourself permission to rest. 🌻🌻🌻 ⠀ [image description: hand drawn illustration of a quote. Quote reads “sick of being sick, tired of being tired, bored of being bored - Nicky Wire”. To the left is a Bluebell. To the right is a daisy. There is a circular purple border. ⠀ Image 2: a hand drawn illustration of a battery symbol which is green and shows it is charged. Above it says “rested”. Behind it is pale pink. There is a darker pink border. Above it says “boring self care” ⠀ Image 3: hand drawn illustration. In the middle is written “”keep going” doesn’t mean you’re not allowed to pause and rest”. There are two willow vines, one each side. The border is circular and green. The background is cream.] #manicstreetpreachers #nickywire #selfcare #selfcaretips #selfcareroutine #selfcareblogger #basicselfcare #selfcaretip #selfcarethread #selfcareaccount #mentalhealthrecovery #mhrecovery #mhrecoveryispossible #recoveryispossible #holdonpainends #selfharmrecovery #shrecovery #selfinjuryrecovery #edrecovery #eatingdisorderrecovery #recoveryquotes #recoveryquotestoday #justfortoday #justfortodaymeditation #justfortodaymemes #justfortodaymeme #addictionrecovery #addictionrecoveryquotes #boringselfcare https://instagr.am/p/CmdEUsbKH7C/
Old-Fashioned Goth Dance Party
And now for something completely different. Mice in capes filmed upside down looks like an old-fashioned goth dance party. I know, creepy right? 🤣
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3hSHZR06K1k
Little Inferno Part 12 - Ho Ho Holidays!
10 years later we're back with part 12 of Little Inferno for the Ho Ho Holiday update! ⛄🥕 LITTLE INFERNO is part of JINGLE JAM 2022!! Get this and 80+ other games for just £35 by donating to https://ift.tt/i2FqRfb NOW! Want another HOUR of this?! Go check the Members Video here: https://youtu.be/0BW-KPJ26a0 💖 BECOME A MEMBER: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCH-_hzb2ILSCo9ftVSnrCIQ/join 👕 Buy Yogscast Merch: https://ift.tt/O2wWPdX ▬▬▬▬▬ Who's in the video: Lewis: https://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=BlueXephos Simon: https://ift.tt/1lUjost ▬▬▬▬▬ Gameplay Overview: Throw your toys into your fire, and play with them as they burn. An adventure that takes place almost entirely in front of a fireplace - about looking up up up out of the chimney, and the cold world just on the other side of the wall. From the creators of World of Goo and Human Resource Machine. ▬▬▬▬▬ Buy Little Inferno here: https://ift.tt/BvoAzhJ ▬▬▬▬▬ Keep up to date on The Yogscast here: Twitter: https://twitter.com/yogscast Instagram: https://ift.tt/hiKBNnj Facebook: https://ift.tt/TUDzCJ6 TikTok: https://ift.tt/vkqmJre Watch us live on Twitch.tv every day! https://ift.tt/dqwZLal ▬▬▬▬▬ Production music courtesy of Epidemic Sound Business enquiries: contact@yogscast.com Want to send something to us? Here's our address: Lewis & Simon - The Yogscast 4th Floor - King William House 13 Queen Square Bristol BS1 4NT
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uVE3-ZMOr9s
TRAPPED in a DEMONS CABIN (Terrifying Video) | Cabin in the Woods
Ghost hunters Twin Paranormal are trapped in a haunted cabin in the woods with something evil! There is so much activity here people can’t make it through the night, and they find out exactly why… Previous episode:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FOXB9otAXk LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!! JOIN THE GHOST GANG!!: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwinParanormal?sub_confirmation=1 HELP US MAKE MORE CONTENT AND GO TO CRAZY PLACES! 🖤🖤 Patron: https://ift.tt/AIFH89z PayPal: https://ift.tt/NjdgxTP GET OUR MERCH - https://ift.tt/Bx9Grso? Editors: Ryan, River and Wyatt About: Twin Paranormal face anything scary from demons to skin walkers and go to the most haunted and abandoned places, bringing you along for the ride. Places like the Washoe Club, the Demon House, Astoria underground, Shanghai tunnels, the Clown Motel and more! All evidence of paranormal activity that we capture on camera of demons, skin walkers, ghosts during our ghost hunts and paranormal investigations is real and some of the scariest videos on YouTube. The haunted locations we go to overnight are always creepy and we can’t wait to share them with you. JOIN THE GHOST GANG!!: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwinParanormal?sub_confirmation=1 _________________________________ Follow us on all our social media Instagram- @twinparanormal @wolfrees @riverghostrees @wyatt_k_hausman Twitter- @TwinParanormal @xRYANxREESx @RiverRees @SPOOKYDOOKI3 Twin Paranormal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvCD #demon #overnight #ghostcaughtoncamera
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3N5NhZFeiqg
Thankmas 2022 w/ Markiplier, Valkyrae, Jack Black and more
DONATE HERE: https://ift.tt/0Cq2LQM Thankmas 2022 is here and we're raising money for World Central Kitchen. We will be playing games with some special guests like Markiplier, Egoraptor, CdawgVA, Valkyrae, Bella Poarch and JACK BLACK.
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gQDX-sf89p4
FEELS LIKE 2016 AGAIN | Goat Simulator 3
Playing Goat Simulator 3 feels like we've teleported back to 2016 Goat Sim: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tq070U9UYm8&list=PLMBYlcH3smRwyPoZqhfR8wSS0ZBF9Wmon&ab_channel=jacksepticeye Buy MY coffee: https://ift.tt/HRLwinG Edited By: https://ift.tt/XeoIjAV
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJmiRmtgHBA
Posted @withrepost • @healing.and.cptsd it's okay if you don't feel jolly, drop an emoji if this is a hard season for you! . Our Comments section is a place for connections, conversations, & support. 🖤 When you comment, you help someone else in the community know they are not alone. . follow @healing.and.cptsd for more 🖤 credit: @chronicallymeh . Healing & C-PTSD is a community for complex trauma survivors, by complex trauma survivors. We are a welcoming space to discover you are not alone. . Click the link in our bio to: 📚️ - Get Free Resources & Learn what C-PTSD is! 🖋️ - Sign the petition to demand C-PTSD be recognized! 🛍️ - Shop our Store (all profits go to running this community!) 📖 - Browse Recommended Book list & Products we LOVE! ❤️🩹 - Share a Resource that has helped on your journey ☕️ - Support our community for less than the cost of a cup of coffee! . ⏰ Don't forget to check out our Weekly Community Q&A in our Stories! Questions asked every Saturday, and shared anonymously during the week! Go to our Highlights to view old responses from the community! 🖤 . Important: Not every post will be applicable to you personally. We encourage our following to take what works for you and leave the rest. We have zero tolerance for disrespect, bullying, spam and forcing forgiveness. . #cptsd #cptsdsupport #cptsdawareness #cptsdhealing #cptsdwarrior #complextrauma #complexptsdrecovery #complextpsdawareness #complexptsd #ptsdawareness #emotionalneglect #healingfromtrauma #traumarecovery #childhoodtrauma #traumahealing #childhoodtraumasurvivor #intergenerationaltrauma #ptsd #ptsdwarrior #childhoodabuse #traumabonding #sexualabuse #dissociation #traumasurvivor #traumatherapy #healingandcptsd #isurvivedmychildhood #cryingiscool #youarenotalone #healing https://instagr.am/p/Cl1ZPQFNBmG/
The SCARIEST NIGHT of THEIR LIVES | A Family Nightmare S2 E1| The Larimer Family Story
Ghost hunters Twin Paranormal help a family that is haunted by an angry spirit! They have been experiencing some strange paranormal activity for a while and can’t take being haunted anymore, can they cleanse the building and help these ghosts move on? Previous episode:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0FOXB9otAXk LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE!!! JOIN THE GHOST GANG!!: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwinParanormal?sub_confirmation=1 HELP US MAKE MORE CONTENT AND GO TO CRAZY PLACES! 🖤🖤 Patron: https://ift.tt/0vGmReq PayPal: https://ift.tt/cPXk5j1 GET OUR MERCH - https://ift.tt/3EqKbfZ? Editors: Ryan, River and Wyatt About: Twin Paranormal face anything scary from demons to skin walkers and go to the most haunted and abandoned places, bringing you along for the ride. Places like the Washoe Club, the Demon House, Astoria underground, Shanghai tunnels, the Clown Motel and more! All evidence of paranormal activity that we capture on camera of demons, skin walkers, ghosts during our ghost hunts and paranormal investigations is real and some of the scariest videos on YouTube. The haunted locations we go to overnight are always creepy and we can’t wait to share them with you. JOIN THE GHOST GANG!!: https://www.youtube.com/c/TwinParanormal?sub_confirmation=1 _________________________________ Follow us on all our social media Instagram- @twinparanormal @wolfrees @riverghostrees @wyatt_k_hausman Twitter- @TwinParanormal @xRYANxREESx @RiverRees @SPOOKYDOOKI3 Twin Paranormal https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCvCD #demon #overnight #familynightmare
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XyWcDHb2AnE
Karl Pilkington in Skyrim - Shearpoint
Karl Pilkington is off to see a dragon today, but little does he know, Shearpoint will have a double meaning for him. He's a traveller that's been to some of the most strange and exotic places, but there's one place that no medical man has ever been. Subscribe for more of this twaddle. You can support directly on Patreon if you fancy it: https://ift.tt/x6VtQ8y Or on Youtube itself: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsmGjsMy2CyCpMr07rqXOFg/join Please support the owners of the parodied content, especially Karl, he needs a new boiler. No but really, An Idiot Abroad is fantastic. Additional material: Ricky Gervais Guide To: The English #skyrim #skyrimmeme #edit
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EDJXR-I76fc
羊毛フェルトで猫を作る制作過程 6 - Needle felting Cat "SIDE by SIDE" A process of making a cat with wool felt.
2018年に制作させて頂いた、茶トラの「チャーくん」が私の元へ帰ってきました。 「チャーくん」と同じ飼い主さんの元で過ごした「こーちゃん」も天国へ旅立ち、制作を開始するにあたり、2つの作品の外形を揃えるために送ってくださいとお願いしたのです。 過去に制作したチャーくんも、こーちゃんと隣同士に並んだ時の見え方が揃うように、少し手直しをしました。 この2匹の猫ちゃんは元野良ちゃんです。 保護された時期は違いますが、空腹のあまり飢えに苦しんでいた所をこの飼い主さんに助けてもらったという出会いは共通しています。 出会った当初、空腹で弱っている姿を見て、いったいどれほどの不安や絶望を抱いていたのだろうと思うと涙が止まらなかったそうです。 それからというもの、毎日たくさんの愛情を注がれ、共に過ごし、 そして天国へと旅立って行きました。 愛情溢れる飼い主さんの元で過ごす事ができたチャーくんとこーちゃん。 私が制作させて頂いたのは、そんな猫ちゃんです。 私の作品がどのような意味を持つのか分かりませんが、 飼い主さんの寂しさに寄り添える作品でありますようにと願いを込めて。 #羊毛フェルト #猫 #Needlefelting I found “Cha-kun” the red tabby which I created in 2018 in my hands again. The owner who asked me to create “Cha-kun” had another cat called “Koh-chan” who recently went to heaven. I decided to create Koh-chan for my new project. I wanted to see them side by side and make small adjustments so I asked the owner to send me Cha-kun. They were both stray cats. Both cats were taken in at different times but were both suffering severely from starvation when they were found. With the much love and care from the owner, both cats found themselves very happy together as a family till their very last day. Cha-kun and Koh-chan were very fortunate to have such a kind-hearted and loving owner take them in. I had the opportunity to create such cats. I don’t really know what role my cat portraits have but I hope that they somehow help these cat owners who have lost their beloved pets. Another Creating Process ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 【ゴンくん】 羊毛フェルトで猫を作る制作過程 A process of making a cat with wool felt. https://youtu.be/YmyaudGCyHA 【チャーくん】 羊毛フェルトで猫を作る制作過程2 A process of making a cat with wool felt. https://youtu.be/A0odN1ybvoo 【Qちゃん】 羊毛フェルトで猫を作る制作過程 3 "Whiskers" A process of making a cat with wool felt. https://youtu.be/Hg5s5v6BhBU ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Wakuneco.Artwork :Sachi Video grapher : Gyueen Tokugawa( @gyueenの動チェク! ) 翻訳:グレープりょうこ Follow Me ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Website https://ift.tt/JqohnHO Imstagram https://ift.tt/d9Y40xs Facebook https://ift.tt/ONfS2r0 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ■FAQ■ https://ift.tt/SVndvLf ==================================== *NOTE Any use of this video is not permitted. All rights reserved. ====================================
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vIvdsqo_87o
the wwf’s living planet report 2014, which discovered that we’ve lost half of all the world’s wildlife in the past fourty years, showed more specifically that the population of common dormice dropped by 43 percent between 1993 and 2010.
not only are dormice vulnerable to habitat loss, but they’re hesitant to cross open fields, and the grubbing out of hedgerows in recent decades has removed the wildlife corridors between woods that has allowed the dormice to move more freely to new habitat.
dormice have very specialized diets of berries and nuts, and with less habitat they are unable to seek out enough food to fatten up before their six month hibernation (which was featured in these two posts).
We Are In A Relationship
Finally after 13 years I can be honest about how I feel and where we’re going. MAKE IT REAL AND ACTUALLY SOCIAL BY SEEING ME ON TOUR IN USA AUSTRALIA + EUROPE http://danielhowell.com Thanks for watching besties, at least you’d actually know what to get me for Christmas. Just remember Santa doesn’t know you and it’s okay if he makes you feel warm and fuzzy but you’re just a number to him so don’t try to catch him in a net and force him into marriage. ..Tik..Tok.. https://ift.tt/8YEaxbn Twitter: http://twitter.com/danielhowell IG: https://ift.tt/nHvBXql Merch: https://ift.tt/7d08rSk Parasocial Research Club: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x3vD_CAYt4g& https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvYAVti8nbk https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzrKuZDvX6g https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0nf0oFdzcp0 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1i21qkdObE CREATED BY DANIEL HOWELL PRODUCED BY SOPHIE NEWTON CREATIVE PRODUCERS JACOB RICKARD KENNY ENGLAND PHIL LESTER DIRECTOR OF PHOTOGRAPHY CIARAN O’BRIEN CAMERA ASSISTANT JOE ROWE SOUND ENGINEER WILL LANGDALE ART DIRECTOR LOUIS GRANT EDITORS ELLIOT GOUGH DAN HOWELL ANIMATORS JAMES PAINTER PJ LIGUORI Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound: Asteroid One - Czar Donic Night Driver - Ballpoint Never Forgotten - Christopher Moe Ditlevsen Temple of Runha - DLFL Captions - https://ift.tt/eMhTIql thank you!
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SKnSjPX2sso
Baby Stares At Woman Then Smirks
At a holiday work party, this woman was hanging out with the boss' son when he keenly stared at the woman and then cutely turns his head and smirks at the camera. #shorts Subscribe For More Videos: http://bit.ly/DailyPicksAndFlicksYT Like Us On Facebook: https://bit.ly/2TL5eSL Follow Us On Twitter: https://bit.ly/3jPKtzG Have a video you want us to see? Submit it here: https://bit.ly/3jRbqDl Hi and welcome to Daily Picks and Flicks – viral videos, funny pictures and odd news blog. We cover all the funny, interesting and strange stuff that is buzzing around the world. The weirder the better. Each day, we surf the web in an effort to find interesting, entertaining and unique videos, pictures and weird news stories. If you like what you find here, please recommend us to your friends. We already like you. All the videos on this channel have been properly acquired from their rightful owners. For licensing / permission to use: Contact - licensing(at)jukinmedia(dot)com
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAuDHr3UEeg
Jacksepticeye Is In DANGER!! | MatPat Reacts to the Iris Project (Anomaly Found)
Stay Warm This Winter With New TheoryWear: https://theorywear.com Friends, @jacksepticeye is diving into the world of Analog Horror and you know what that means…there is LORE to uncover! Today I was joined on the couch by Tom and Lee, creative directors for Game and Film Theory, where we reacted to "Anomaly Found." There is so much hidden under the surface of this series, and this is just the beginning. Check Out @jacksepticeye: ► https://www.youtube.com/@jacksepticeye Check Out The Video For Yourself: ► https://youtu.be/-AW33Nzmr1g Get Your TheoryWear! ► https://theorywear.com Check out the Reddit! ►► https://ift.tt/cKqfnI4 Subscribe to GTLive! ►► http://bit.ly/1Oo7KH9 0:00 - The Witty Banter 14:27 - rights for chase brody 1:11:42 - The Witty Wrap Up Need Royalty Free Music for your Content? Try Epidemic Sound. Get Your 30 Day Free Trial ► https://ift.tt/FD7SoeE #Jacksepticeye #IRIS #Antisepticeye #ChaseBrody #AnalogHorror #Horror #Scary #GTLive #MatPat #GameTheory Join our other Theorist Communities! Game Theory! ► http://bit.ly/1qV8fd6 Film Theory! ► http://bit.ly/1dI8VBH Food Theory! ► https://bit.ly/2CdCooV Follow us on Twitter at @MatPatGT and #GTLive
via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RxfiWr3DaKk
Dana Scully and Fox Mulder in today’s episode of “You two are literally fooling no one.”
Yes, I too lovingly embrace my “platonic” partner, whom I went into contempt of congress for(!) in front of said congress and whisper into their ear. Just normal stuff.