Tuesday, 30 November 2021

Liked on YouTube: Eminem proves that the word orange rhymes

Eminem proves that the word orange rhymes

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=inzSZecchys

Liked on YouTube: marvel bloopers to make ur day 🤍 #marvelcast

marvel bloopers to make ur day 🤍 #marvelcast
subscribe for more! check out my instagram and tiktok💖 love ya! LINK FOR MARVEL MERCH + MORE👇 https://bit.ly/ThenamezallieMarvelMerch MY CODE IS 'ALLIE' FOR 5% OFF 😊

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Mp4SYTVeVc

Liked on YouTube: My cat crying cause he can't find me

My cat crying cause he can't find me
Called my cat Trooper to my room, when he jumped on the bed I was under my blankets with just my phone out so I started recording him meowing. He spots me at the end though. This is my cat Trooper, we got him in 2010. I shot this video back in 2014, and had posted it in 2016 when my phone needed space. I thought I’d edit this into a comment and the description in case anyone was curious on how we got him. We don’t really know for sure which breed he is, as him and his litter-mates were found in the middle of a road near our old house 10 years ago. Nearby a puppy/cat mill was shutdown later on, so we believe they were abandoned. They were very friendly when discovered despite having no mother and being very skinny and covered in fleas. The runt of the group had a enlarged dead eyeball that couldn’t be shut when it closed its eyes. After about a month or two we were able to adopt out the siblings but the runt was very small and that eye was not very appealing to some. After a vet visit they said that he had a bad infection in his eye that would cause it to eventually burst and kill him. So our family put in some money for a surgery and he came out just fine minus one eye. I got to name him Trooper and he grew into a big fluffy cat from a kitten that could fit in your hand. From what we’ve searched on the internet he may be a Turkish Van/Angora, which can a expensive breed to purchase, I think that he and his 3 siblings may have been a failed batch that were thrown out, as they all had patches of white fur in their colour schemes. As the Turkish cat breeds when all white, can sell for very high. Just this last November (2019), A guest had come over late at night and forgot to lock the front door and shut it fully, that night it was very windy and the front door managed to blow open a bit. Trooper’s litter box is downstairs so when he went to the bathroom he must have seen the door open, so he got curious and ventured outside and we haven’t found him. If you see new uploads of Trooper, they will be old videos saved on my phone of him. This October (2020) we got a black kitten, after the house seemed empty without a cat chatting. May post videos of him in the future, after I add some of the remaining videos I have of Trooper. Update (Dec 2020) Wow! This video has gotten lots of attention. I unfortunately don’t have any good news to share for Trooper coming home, other people in our area also couldn’t find their lost kitties during these time, We had many posters for him, walked along while calling out for him during the first weeks. Called shelters and Animal control had no luck. Left his litter box outside with food, posted his disappearance in a neighborhood app, offered a reward. Nothing. And yes Trooper is microchipped and fixed. He would be 10 years old right now. He is 4 years old in the video. Also we all see the Duck dynasty poster in the background (It’s not framed haha), I do get a chuckle from all the comments on it, it’s either loved or hated. This video was recorded in 2014, at my mothers place in Canada. I don’t live there anymore. Thank you for all the kind words about Trooper and the condolences, I’m sorry I haven’t been responding to them all. Some have asked where he went missing to try and help, I thank you for the offers. It was Texas u.s.a. I’ve created an Instagram to post his old photos, everyday till I’ve run out or until I’ve got him back. It’s called troopers_memory for anyone curious.

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8fKK1yVkTI

Liked on YouTube: Pete Davidson ROAST Ariana Grande after BREAKUP #Short

Pete Davidson ROAST Ariana Grande after BREAKUP #Short

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IXC09HfKAr4

Monday, 29 November 2021

Liked on YouTube: that’a a true gamer right there

that’a a true gamer right there

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VDPPUsstr9Y

Liked on YouTube: He’s Only Friend On Facebook Is Mark Zuckerberg tiktok resistfitt

He’s Only Friend On Facebook Is Mark Zuckerberg tiktok resistfitt
#shorts #motivation He’s Only Friend On Facebook Is Mark Zuckerberg tiktok resistfitt Credit is in the title. Tags: business,practical wisdom,business ideas 2021,real estate market,real estate,business ideas,lockdown success,how to make money in 2021,real estate business,real estate industry,booming industries 2021,businesses to start for 2021,investing in real estate,small business ideas,motivational speech,entrepreneur motivation,mark cuban,billionaire motivation,entrepreneur,best business ideas,real estate business plan for beginners,new business ideas,mark cuban motivation,should i start a business,start a business,finance,don't start a business,future booming industries,mark cuban interview,business person,why most people fail,the business,business advice,mark cuban speech, motivation,gary vaynerchuk,motivational video 2021,gary vee,gary vee cards,motivation 2021,2021 mindset,2021 motivation,2021 motivational speech,motivational video for 2021,gary vee motivation,motivation for 2021,eric thomas,self discipline affirmations,eric thomas 2020,motivational speech,jocko willink motivation,new year motivation 2021,les brown,personal development,gary vaynerchuk motivation,jordan peterson,discipline is everything,self love,steve harvey motivation,focus on yourself,morning motivation,study motivation,mulligan brothers,ben lionel scott,chispa motivation,jordan peterson motivation,extraordinary motivation,jordan peterson 2021,self discipline,extraordinary speech,eric thomas motivation,reset your mindset,2021 go hard mindset,self development,keep going,new year motivation,focus on yourself motivation,gym motivation,self discipline techniques,self discipline motivation,motivation2study,motivational video,mindset motivation,work motivation #shorts #tiktok #motivation #business

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=suRIY-Wqzkk

Liked on YouTube: How To Turn Awkwardness Into Attraction

How To Turn Awkwardness Into Attraction
Join Over 9000+ Members At Charisma University: https://bit.ly/3DvTmZG Subscribe to Charisma On Command’s YouTube Account: http://bit.ly/COC-Subscribe Timothée Chalamet has two traits you don't often see go hand in hand. He's self admittedly very awkward, and yet women find him incredibly attractive. This is interesting because Timothée is not your stereotypical jock alpha male, in either looks or personality. He’s shy and at times seems uncomfortable when speaking: looking down, fidgeting, or putting his hands in his pockets. How can someone who’s self admittedly awkward be so attractive? While he’s definitely handsome, much of Timothée’s attractiveness comes through in his personality. Part of what makes Timothée so magnetic is how well he handles potentially awkward moments. So in this video, we’ll go over 7 tricks you can learn from Timothée to turn your awkward moments into moments where you’re actually making yourself more attractive. 5 Common Habits That Make People Instantly Dislike You (Brie Larson): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBCcDrG2NjM How To Stand Up For Yourself Without Starting A Fight (Jonah Hill): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BSXoI9MDvU0 ⏰TIMESTAMPS⏰ 0:00 - Intro. 1:12 - #1: Radiate positivity 2:57 - #2: Appear unfazed by smiling through a tease 4:28 - #3: Don't assume negative intent in ambiguous situations 6:22 - #4: Call out the awkwardness 9:03 - #5: Pass the conversational spotlight to the other person 9:58 - #6: Share your higher purpose 12:14 - #7: If this doesn't go well, on with the rest of life -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #TimotheeChalamet #CharismaOnCommand -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Connect with us further: Website: https://ift.tt/1gw2A9S Facebook: https://ift.tt/1S9aWmM Instagram: @CharismaOnCommand Or if you want to see our personal stuff: Instagram: @CharlieHoupert Instagram: @IamBenAltman

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jkblpon3C50

Liked on YouTube: When you forget you're Swedish

When you forget you're Swedish
Swedish Teo on the phone! Main Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/teosgame Streams: https://www.twitch.tv/teosgame​ Game store: https://www.nexus.gg/teosgame​ Merch: https://teosmerch.com/​ Twitter: https://twitter.com/teosgame​ Second Youtube: https://www.youtube.com/moreteo​ Discord: https://discord.gg/teo​ Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/TeosGame/​ Personal Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/photeograph​ Gaming Instagram: https://ift.tt/2lafwxK Music used: Music & sound effects in video provided by Epidemic Sound https://ift.tt/1n5qbAD #shorts

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pw67hGuty8Y

Liked on YouTube: Greg Davies & Alex Horne: "There's A Lot of Sexual Fiction About Us" | The Russell Howard Hour

Greg Davies & Alex Horne: "There's A Lot of Sexual Fiction About Us" | The Russell Howard Hour
Taskmaster's Greg Davies and Alex Horne take on your questions as they chat to Russell Howard about their online sexual fiction, Greg's aggressive Danish sex experience, dream contestants for Taskmaster, weirdest lockdown moments (featuring Robbie Williams), celebrity crushes, and their favourite noise. Welcome to the official Russell Howard channel! Be sure to subscribe to watch the very best Russell Howard clips! Follow the show on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/howardhour Follow Russell on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/russellhoward Become a fan on Facebook at https://ift.tt/1GUJx7S... SUBSCRIBE NOW. Watch new episodes every Thursday at 10pm on Sky1 #RussellHoward

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WIqWi2qRMQ

Liked on YouTube: I improvised 10 sketches in one hour

I improvised 10 sketches in one hour
Head to https://ift.tt/37Vjb64 to save 10% off your first purchase of a website or domain using code "danielthrasher" -- Buy tickets for my Los Angeles show here!! 👇 JUST A FEW DAYS LEFT!! https://ift.tt/3C5brgS -- Follow my socials if ya want! insta: danielthrasher twitta: thrasherdan

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZolcHneLGu8

Reposted from @__thewhitewitch Nailed it

Reposted from @__thewhitewitch Nailed it https://instagr.am/p/CW3BVw9Nk6D/

Sunday, 28 November 2021

Saturday, 27 November 2021

Reposted from @zephyrbug +++ #druid #witch #reborn #dhampir #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #dndart #hag #fantasy #fantasyart #digitalart #digitalpainting #dnd5e #dndcharacter #rpgart #rpgcharacter #originalchatacter #illustration #dndoc #photoshop

Reposted from @zephyrbug +++ #druid #witch #reborn #dhampir #dnd #dungeonsanddragons #dndart #hag #fantasy #fantasyart #digitalart #digitalpainting #dnd5e #dndcharacter #rpgart #rpgcharacter #originalchatacter #illustration #dndoc #photoshop https://instagr.am/p/CWzG0fHtFhz/


Tuck her in Tuesday

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Friday, 26 November 2021


ayor makur chuot

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Baby #Eris

Baby #Eris https://instagr.am/p/CWwkGy8DjSE/

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Venom: Let There Be Carnage (2021) dir. Andy Serkis

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Thursday, 25 November 2021





Thanks for ruining the funnest thing I had going. Now I don’t even feel like torturing him.

Joker finding out the Batman’s true identity in HARLEY QUINN Season 1 finale “The Final Joke”

Y’all are missing the best part

I can’t breathe


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Reposted from @dzart16 Szeged Texte de @karim_auteur Quand ça sera fini, il nous restera au moins les blessures du monde de s’être aimés autant. On a tout de suite compris que pareil amour ne nous serait pas pardonné. Ça a donc été une histoire pour laquelle on a choisi de mourir plutôt que de vivre. J’aurais jamais pensé me sacrifier pour que des sentiments existent, mais j’aurais pas su faire autrement. Y a des morts qu’on trouve superbes, y a qu’à voir les étoiles filantes. Si je pouvais garder ton âme jusqu’à ce que je doive rendre la mienne, on pourrait remonter ensemble d’où on est tombé. Je te tiendrai dans mes bras aussi longtemps qu’il le faudra. Contre cette poitrine d’où tout me vient. Aimer, c’est insupportable, mais vivre sans, c’est juste pas possible. De l’amour. Des larmes. Et des jours qui se lèvent encore. Je me promène, depuis, avec beaucoup de place en moi pour ton silence. Un chagrin anonyme que je crois reconnaître dans certains regards perdus. J’attends des bus. Je longe des rues, mais entre le souffle que je prends et celui que je rends, une petite éternité où je te retrouve. #art #fineart #artoftheday #supportartists #drawing #draw #painting #portrait #amazigh #algeria #woman #gold #procreate #adobe #instagram #darksurrealism #instadraw #instaportrait #instadesign #instadesign

Reposted from @dzart16 Szeged Texte de @karim_auteur Quand ça sera fini, il nous restera au moins les blessures du monde de s’être aimés autant. On a tout de suite compris que pareil amour ne nous serait pas pardonné. Ça a donc été une histoire pour laquelle on a choisi de mourir plutôt que de vivre. J’aurais jamais pensé me sacrifier pour que des sentiments existent, mais j’aurais pas su faire autrement. Y a des morts qu’on trouve superbes, y a qu’à voir les étoiles filantes. Si je pouvais garder ton âme jusqu’à ce que je doive rendre la mienne, on pourrait remonter ensemble d’où on est tombé. Je te tiendrai dans mes bras aussi longtemps qu’il le faudra. Contre cette poitrine d’où tout me vient. Aimer, c’est insupportable, mais vivre sans, c’est juste pas possible. De l’amour. Des larmes. Et des jours qui se lèvent encore. Je me promène, depuis, avec beaucoup de place en moi pour ton silence. Un chagrin anonyme que je crois reconnaître dans certains regards perdus. J’attends des bus. Je longe des rues, mais entre le souffle que je prends et celui que je rends, une petite éternité où je te retrouve. #art #fineart #artoftheday #supportartists #drawing #draw #painting #portrait #amazigh #algeria #woman #gold #procreate #adobe #instagram #darksurrealism #instadraw #instaportrait #instadesign #instadesign https://instagr.am/p/CWuQOmHqCQd/


Six spiritual truths:

  1. The sun is medicine
  2. Manifestations & lucid dreams are real
  3. Healing is an everyday process
  4. Energies and auras exist, your body senses them
  5. Everything in this universe is connected
  6. The moon strengthens your physic ability

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Tuesday, 23 November 2021


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“At some point you just have to let go of what you thought should happen and live in what is happening.”

— Unknown

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by blueming_soo

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resist the urge to give up on healing just because it is slow

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I know I go ghost a lot. All I can say is don’t take it personal.

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If you message me know I look like this

If you message me know I look like this https://instagr.am/p/CWnrtz8NWCF/

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#Eris https://instagr.am/p/CWnmFF-tehM/


Peter: I’m so happy two of my favorite people are getting along now.

Logan: Uh, Charles and Erik are not getting along.

Peter: They’re not trying to kill each other.

Logan: You may have a point.

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So if you love me let me go and run away before I know My heart is just too dark to care, I can’t destroy what isn’t there

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Monday, 22 November 2021

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Reposted from @jennifer.p_679 🔥 #instart #characterdesign #drawing #art

Reposted from @jennifer.p_679 🔥 #instart #characterdesign #drawing #art https://instagr.am/p/CWlpIDSNIL1/

Reposted from @hornyastrology Placements? . . . . tweet from galacticidiots

Reposted from @hornyastrology Placements? . . . . tweet from galacticidiots https://instagr.am/p/CWlmXQQtcI5/


some very important pictures of andrew koji’s hands

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Liked on YouTube: Holland

Provided to YouTube by BWSCD, Inc. Holland · Sufjan Stevens Michigan ℗ 2003 Asthmatic Kitty Released on: 2003-07-01 Auto-generated by YouTube.

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=djWzoxzE5u8


“Home isn’t where you’re from, it’s where you find light when all grows dark.”

— Pierce Brown

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Sunday, 21 November 2021

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Reposted from @magical_visionary Type 'yes' if you can relate. Follow ➡️ @magical_visionary for more . . #plato #buddhaquotes #buddha #buddhism #sadhguruquotes #osho #oshoquotes #rumiquotes #jimcarreyquotes #keanureeves #denzelwashington #bobmarley #highfrequency #naturalcures #thichnhathanh #spiritualgrowth #innerwisdom #knowthyself #naturalremedies #plantbased #drsebi #veganfood #spiritualawakening #healingvibrations #thirdeyevision #meditationquotes

Reposted from @magical_visionary Type 'yes' if you can relate. Follow ➡️ @magical_visionary for more . . #plato #buddhaquotes #buddha #buddhism #sadhguruquotes #osho #oshoquotes #rumiquotes #jimcarreyquotes #keanureeves #denzelwashington #bobmarley #highfrequency #naturalcures #thichnhathanh #spiritualgrowth #innerwisdom #knowthyself #naturalremedies #plantbased #drsebi #veganfood #spiritualawakening #healingvibrations #thirdeyevision #meditationquotes https://instagr.am/p/CWj2X4vqr7c/

Reposted from @coffeekats

Reposted from @coffeekats https://instagr.am/p/CWj1ao8qv48/


back on my peter maximoff shit

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the person reading this is going to survive the rough patch they’re going through

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The Simpsons: Hit & Run will always have a special place in my heart. Where else can you push Milhouse off a cliff or run him over with a motorboat.

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Anaïs Nin, from The Diary of Anaïs Nin (Vol. 1: 1931-1934)

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Red fox sits among Ravens.


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Friday, 19 November 2021

Liked on YouTube: Halestorm Hate It When You See Me Cry Lyrics

Halestorm Hate It When You See Me Cry Lyrics
I obviously do not own this song, merely promoting it. Go buy their new album !!! It's amazing. Halestorm, The Strange Case Of ... Hey subscribers, feel free to come over and check out my other channel "Premier Action Video". I haven't posted here in along time, but check in from time to time on the videos.

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TA6IA7PEmbQ

Liked on YouTube: Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler (Video Original Version)

Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler (Video Original Version)
Check out more great videos from the 90's here: https://ift.tt/1FCyXx1 Click to follow on Spotify: https://ift.tt/1NFDGkp Click to Buy ‘Freestyler’: https://ift.tt/2a5BlHi Taken from the album ‘In Stereo’ click here to buy: https://ift.tt/29M5kAv Subscribe to on VEVO: https://ift.tt/2a5BDOu ------------------------------------------ More from Bomfunk MC’s: ‘Crack It (Something Going On)’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MSqDIWI__Ew ‘Uprocking Beats’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wLwZx1hyGL8 ------------------------------------------ Music video by Bomfunk MC's performing Freestyler. (C) 1999 Sony Music Entertainment (Finland) Oy Follow Bomfunk MC's Facebook: https://ift.tt/2LFBxMc Twitter: https://twitter.com/bomfunk_mcs Listen to Bomfunk MC's iTunes: https://ift.tt/2N0j9T6 Spotify: https://ift.tt/2LHUJJd

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ymNFyxvIdaM

Swear there just isn’t enough curly blonde angel faced men in this world

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Liked on YouTube: Halestorm - "What Sober Couldn't Say" [Official Audio]

Halestorm - "What Sober Couldn't Say" [Official Audio]
Into The Wild Life Available Now iTunes: https://ift.tt/1CLg7B4 Merch bundles: https://ift.tt/1KTByH7 Amazon: https://ift.tt/1b36NTM Google Play: https://ift.tt/1IdP1HV Spotify: https://ift.tt/3kON68n ► Subscribe to Halestorm's channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Halestormrocks ► Like on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1GKlp30 ► Follow on Twitter: https://twitter.com/halestorm ► Follow on Instagram: https://ift.tt/1qRnOnW ► Official site: https://ift.tt/Mp76Uz LYRICS: Headed for a blackout Hurting like hell Finding my way to bottom of the bottle Packing up my suitcase Leaving no trace One step closer with every swallow A deafening silence Like you like me Where you want me Saying nothing But not this time I'm gonna say I'm gonna say What sober couldn't say Couldn't break thru Under the influence of you Incoherent, truth serum Just enough to make me bullet proof I'm so over this love gone violent I'm drunk and brave enough to say What sober couldn't say Criminal in my mind I've been doing time Believing in the lie That you still loved me Making up for The slamming of the door Always wanting more but never giving Sick of crying Tired of trying Always buying Into every kiss But not this time I'm gonna say What sober couldn't say Couldn't break thru Under the influence of you Incoherent, truth serum Just enough to make me bullet proof I'm so over this love gone violent I'm drunk and brave enough to say What sober couldn't say Ooh... This is my intervention Getting your attention Ooh… I'm gonna say I'm gonna say I'm gonna say What sober couldn't say Couldn't break thru Under the influence of you Incoherent, truth serum Just enough to make me bullet proof I'm so over this love gone violent I'm drunk and brave enough to say What sober couldn't say

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w16D8EdCueY

Liked on YouTube: EVANESCENCE - "The End Of The Dream" (Official Audio - Synthesis)

EVANESCENCE - "The End Of The Dream" (Official Audio - Synthesis)
Evanescence's song, “The End Of The Dream”, from their new album, Synthesis, is available now: http://apple.co/2hZDMy1 Grab your copy of Synthesis here: http://apple.co/2kCW6R4 Subscribe to Evanescence on YouTube: http://bit.ly/2vTSZWt Official Evanescence Website: https://ift.tt/XFCCFD Like Evanescence on Facebook: https://ift.tt/1LgP7jX Follow Evanescence on Twitter: https://twitter.com/Evanescence Follow Evanescence on Instagram: https://ift.tt/2xwgVCv Listen to Evanescence on Spotify: https://ift.tt/2yxqXSi Listen to Evanescence on Apple Music: http://apple.co/2kB2JDO

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iQ5iuREPokw

Liked on YouTube: Simple And Clean

Simple And Clean
Provided to YouTube by Universal Music Group Simple And Clean · Utada Hikaru This Is The One ℗ 2003 EMI Music Japan Inc. Released on: 2009-03-13 Associated Performer, Recording Arranger, Keyboards, Programming: Kei Kawano Associated Performer, Recording Arranger, Vocals, Programming, Producer: Utada Hikaru Associated Performer, Acoustic Guitar: Hironori Akiyama Associated Performer, Programming: Kazuhide Tsunemi Producer: Akira Miyake Producer: Utada Sking Teruzane Composer Lyricist: Utada Hikaru Auto-generated by YouTube.

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B1nDzB1P8GM

Reposted from @survivecryfuck

Reposted from @survivecryfuck https://instagr.am/p/CWd00nKNNjV/


Mule deer on a frosty morning

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Sylvia Plath — The Bell Jar

but i’m not sadly.

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peter, mj, and ned: *bully doc ock because of his name*

doc ock:

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Liked on YouTube: Why James Acaster Stole Richard Ayoade's Bike | Question Team | Dave

Why James Acaster Stole Richard Ayoade's Bike | Question Team | Dave
James Acaster quizzes Richard Ayoade, Kemah Bob, and Olga Koch about the personal lives of three complete strangers. Subscribe to Dave for more: https://bit.ly/SubscribeToDaveYT WATCH MORE: Hypothetical: https://bit.ly/DaveHypothetical Mel Giedroyc: Unforgivable: https://bit.ly/DaveUnforgivable Meet the Richardsons: https://bit.ly/DaveMeetTheRichardsons Dave: Freeview 19, Sky 111, Virgin 127, BT & TalkTalk 19, Freesat 157 Facebook: https://ift.tt/2p8qXXL Twitter: @davechannel https://twitter.com/DaveChannel Instagram: https://ift.tt/2Hvf6aR Website: http://dave.uktv.co.uk Watch full episodes from the UKTV network on UKTV Play: https://ift.tt/1I5BMvL Download the UKTV Play app: iTunes: http://bit.ly/UKTVPlayiTunes Android: http://bit.ly/UKTVPlayAndroid #Dave #Comedy #QuestionTeam #JamesAcaster #RichardAyoade

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VTElBsQ0IE

Baby #Eris

Baby #Eris https://instagr.am/p/CWdi8AUNGtQ/

Thursday, 18 November 2021

Reposted from @douglas_bicalho Lady Loki 💚💚💛💚💚💛 #loki #ladyloki #marvel #marvelcomics #covercomicsart #comicart #marvelartwork #drawing #digitalpainting #comicbooks #quadrinhos #avangers #patreonnsfw #patreonrewards #gumroad @marvelbrasil

Reposted from @douglas_bicalho Lady Loki 💚💚💛💚💚💛 #loki #ladyloki #marvel #marvelcomics #covercomicsart #comicart #marvelartwork #drawing #digitalpainting #comicbooks #quadrinhos #avangers #patreonnsfw #patreonrewards #gumroad @marvelbrasil https://instagr.am/p/CWcHoc0qVdw/

Liked on YouTube: Ed Gamble Builds A Statue | James Acaster | Hypothetical

Ed Gamble Builds A Statue | James Acaster | Hypothetical
Ed Gamble plans on erecting a 150-foot high statue of Matt Baker in his hometown! Watch full episodes of Hypothetical here - https://ift.tt/3szRaKL SUBSCRIBE TO THE OFFICIAL DAVE CHANNEL - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZV3PKbGgJNJSXoDsXqh-tw Welcome to the OFFICIAL YouTube channel of James Acaster, the number one coolest channel on the net: You may recognise James from the Netflix Trilogy “Repertoire”, or his countless appearances on Mock The Week, 8 out of 10 cats and Would I Lie To You, or heard him as the genie on the award-winning podcast “Off Menu”. Here you can watch stand up clips, TV appearances and more EXCLUSIVE content. Subscribe to the channel here - https://bit.ly/30xyJMr Visit my website for future news and tour dates https://ift.tt/3eJnyob #JamesAcaster #Comedy #Hypothetical

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QKubYcrA4I


😍😍😍😍 https://instagr.am/p/CWcAWQSjCcW/


Liked on YouTube: A Whimsical RollAcaster - James Acaster on Would I Lie to You?

A Whimsical RollAcaster - James Acaster on Would I Lie to You?
Compilation of Kettering's very own James Acaster on Would I Lie to You? 01:58 - ”I once spent the night in a bush in Basingstoke." 07:25 - “This is Jerry. He's the fireman who every Boxing Day soaks me with water during a festive game of Squirt." 11:56 - ”One Christmas, on hearing I wasn't going to get the present I wanted, I tried to drown myself in protest." 17:01 - ”This is Mick, and for six months, he was my sworn enemy when a practical joke got out of hand." 23:01 - Outro James Acaster Would I Lie to You? WILTY Best Bits

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=a20TMDFhedM

Wednesday, 17 November 2021

Reposted from @7ate9comics . BY @robcsiki #redsonja #hellsonja #conan

Reposted from @7ate9comics . BY @robcsiki #redsonja #hellsonja #conan https://instagr.am/p/CWZy9RFD8UM/

Reposted from @viralgothdaily Get over it and move on. Follow @viralgothdaily for more

Reposted from @viralgothdaily Get over it and move on. Follow @viralgothdaily for more https://instagr.am/p/CWZf5wzKjcO/

Liked on YouTube: James Acaster on Blockbusters

James Acaster on Blockbusters
All of James’ jokes from his appearance on the Blockbusters Christmas Special on December 5th 2019 Check out his standup-show(s), Repertoire, on Netflix, they're absolutely hilarious. Blockbusters is a Comedy Central show, so all content belongs to them. _____________________________________ If anyone feels offended or claim ownership to any of the sound or videoclips that I have used, leave a comment, and I'll take the video down. I do not mean to steal anything, and I firmly believe that all of my compilations would sooner convince someone to watch the real show than discourage them from it. These videos are entirely non-profit for me (the profits from any ads that you might see go to the copyright owners, who decide the number of ads)

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHexwW_t4Ss


Inspired by this post lol

via Tumblr https://ift.tt/3Cs7F04


a sleepy baby

via Tumblr https://ift.tt/3DuYPjD

Reposted from @susante.art -Crocodile tears- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #drawing #art #darkart #surrealart #instaart #drawingoftheday #cat #blackcat #tears #crying #sad #sketching #digitaldrawing #digitalart #digitalillustration #illustration #doodleart #doodle

Reposted from @susante.art -Crocodile tears- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #drawing #art #darkart #surrealart #instaart #drawingoftheday #cat #blackcat #tears #crying #sad #sketching #digitaldrawing #digitalart #digitalillustration #illustration #doodleart #doodle https://instagr.am/p/CWZRJR2tkQL/


Liked on YouTube: James Acaster MOCK THE WEEK COMPILATION (series 16)

James Acaster MOCK THE WEEK COMPILATION (series 16)
All of James' jokes from season 16 on Mock the week (on BBC) I think James' humor is even better in his one-man show, so check it out (It's called repertoire, it's on netflix, it's four glorious one-hour shows) If you're wondering what this is in your subbox, I've made some Stranger Things crack-videos, so that's probably what you're subscribed for. Scenes we'd like to see: 0:04 Standup: 6:01 Conversation: 9:06 _____________________________________ If anyone feels offended or claim ownership to any of the sound or videoclips that I have used, leave a comment, and I'll take the video down. I do not mean to steal anything, and I'd rather just take the video down than get into trouble.

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-61RG30e_0U


Fairy cats 🧚

edits by tinkercatt

via Tumblr https://ift.tt/3FonpmS

Liked on YouTube: James Acaster MOCK THE WEEK COMPILATION (series 15)

James Acaster MOCK THE WEEK COMPILATION (series 15)
peaches Check out his standup-show(s), Repertoire, on Netflix, they're absolutely hilarious. Also, check out Mock the Week. I find James even funnier in context, and the other comedians are (often) great, too The intro animation was basically just following this guy's tutorial step-by-step: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J-Yvv... _____________________________________ If anyone feels offended or claim ownership to any of the sound or videoclips that I have used, leave a comment, and I'll take the video down. I do not mean to steal anything, and I firmly believe that all of my compilations would sooner convince someone to watch the real program than discourage them from it.

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ld1EFF5fzvQ

via Tumblr https://ift.tt/3Dt9LOS


Animal Crossing Gyroid Lanterns made by potsbyphoe

via Tumblr https://ift.tt/3qJrH4c

Liked on YouTube: James Acaster on 8 out of 10 cats (every appearance)

James Acaster on 8 out of 10 cats (every appearance)
All of James' jokes from his four appearances on 8 out of 10 cats. Check out his standup-show(s), Repertoire, on Netflix, they're absolutely hilarious. Check out 8 out of 10 cats, too: https://ift.tt/3nnSgdc _____________________________________ If anyone feels offended or claim ownership to any of the sound or videoclips that I have used, leave a comment, and I'll take the video down. I do not mean to steal anything, and I firmly believe that all of my compilations would sooner convince someone to watch the real show than discourage them from it. These videos are entirely non-profit for me (the profits from any ads that you might see go to the copyright owners, who decide the number of ads)

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A36lnUD_fOg

Liked on YouTube: James Acaster being CHAOTIC GOOD on Channel 4 Shows for (Nearly) 30 Minutes

James Acaster being CHAOTIC GOOD on Channel 4 Shows for (Nearly) 30 Minutes
Here's some James Acaster goodness on Channel 4 shows, 8 Out of 10 Cats, 8 Out of 10 Cats Does Countdown, The Great Celebrity Bake Off for SU2C, Virtually Famous and Sunday Brunch! Subscribe to Channel 4 for more: https://bit.ly/2v2I6SY #JamesAcaster #Channel4 #All4

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FJyN2G-t85Q

That throwback though Reposted from @thejohnwarnerschool

That throwback though Reposted from @thejohnwarnerschool https://instagr.am/p/CWZAVcdtgtz/

Reposted from @realms_and_enchantment Tag someone who would enjoy staying here 😍 Photo by @dumbadzemarika Location @eco_house_merisi Follow @realms_and_enchantment Tap the bell on the @realms_and_enchantment profile page to turn on notifications, so you don't miss any posts. Check out the Realms and Enchantment blog, link in bio You can also join our Facebook community group, Search Realms and Enchantment in the Facebook search bar😊 Page curated by @bryher.aewen 😊 My other curated pages are; @enchanted.scotland for beautiful places around Scotland 😊 @enchanted.lakedistrict for photos of the Lake District. @themakeupofenchantment for magical makeup and things to be worn And of course my own handmade jewellery @aewenjewellery ***Fellow reposters - make sure you credit the original photographer (credited above) if you reshare this pic*** #forestcottage #cottagestyle #witchystyle #witchyaesthetic #wanderlust #magicalcottage #witchy #magical #witchythings #witchyvibes #explore #witchylife #witchydecor #witchyhome #witcheslair#witchesbrew #witchesofinsta #wakethewitches #witcheshouse #botanicalwitches #witchlife #instawitch #witchesoftheworld #solitarywitch #witchesdoitbetter #witchesofinsta #magicallife #fairytalecottages

Reposted from @realms_and_enchantment Tag someone who would enjoy staying here 😍 Photo by @dumbadzemarika Location @eco_house_merisi Follow @realms_and_enchantment Tap the bell on the @realms_and_enchantment profile page to turn on notifications, so you don't miss any posts. Check out the Realms and Enchantment blog, link in bio You can also join our Facebook community group, Search Realms and Enchantment in the Facebook search bar😊 Page curated by @bryher.aewen 😊 My other curated pages are; @enchanted.scotland for beautiful places around Scotland 😊 @enchanted.lakedistrict for photos of the Lake District. @themakeupofenchantment for magical makeup and things to be worn And of course my own handmade jewellery @aewenjewellery ***Fellow reposters - make sure you credit the original photographer (credited above) if you reshare this pic*** #forestcottage #cottagestyle #witchystyle #witchyaesthetic #wanderlust #magicalcottage #witchy #magical #witchythings #witchyvibes #explore #witchylife #witchydecor #witchyhome #witcheslair#witchesbrew #witchesofinsta #wakethewitches #witcheshouse #botanicalwitches #witchlife #instawitch #witchesoftheworld #solitarywitch #witchesdoitbetter #witchesofinsta #magicallife #fairytalecottages https://instagr.am/p/CWZABlqtb6m/


Hi https://instagr.am/p/CWYeNVetOEx/

Liked on YouTube: Spider-Man No Way Home Trailer 2 BREAKDOWN - Green Goblin, Electro - Easter Eggs Explained!

Spider-Man No Way Home Trailer 2 BREAKDOWN - Green Goblin, Electro - Easter Eggs Explained!
Spider-Man No Way Home Trailer 2 BREAKDOWN today! Beyond The Trailer reaction & review official trailer 2021! Doc Ock! Green Goblin! Electro! http://bit.ly/subscribeBTT Spider-Man No Way Home Trailer 2 review & breakdown today! Beyond The Trailer host Grace Randolph's reaction to the official trailer 2 for Spider-Man No Way Home from Sony & Marvel aka MCU in 2021! Easter Eggs Explained! We're on our way to the Sinister Six with Doc Ock aka Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, Electro, Sandman and Lizard! Enjoy this breakdown of the official trailer 2 for Spider-Man No Way Home before you see the full movie in 2021! And be sure to make Beyond The Trailer your first stop for movie and entertainment news here on YouTube today! Interact with host & creator Grace Randolph! Twitter: http://bit.ly/GraceOnTwitter #SpiderManNoWayHome #Marvel #MCU

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yD-RbcrlnTQ

Liked on YouTube: greg davies laughing at bad dong for three minutes straight

greg davies laughing at bad dong for three minutes straight
edit: why does this nearly have 800k views where did you all come from. anyways i will never delete this video because it's wonderful clout for me EDIT 2: *OH MY GOD WHY IS THERE A MILLION VIEWS. WHERE DID YOU ALL COME FROM.* alternate title: two words every man wants to hear also sorry that no one in the uk can watch this so uhhhhhh *whips and nae naes* something something not my footage yadda yadda yknow

via YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_ITRpXu8d1Q

Tuesday, 16 November 2021

Reposted from @evagamayun 💚 LAVA LAMP 🟢 Imagine that drops of wax in the lamp have conscious. The only way to immortality for a drop of wax is to stop thinking that it is a drop and to understand that it is wax. But the trick is that it’s almost impossible to realize your initial nature. Therefore, the only thing that the wax notices is its temporary form of the drop and all its short life it prays to Lord Wax for the salvation of this form. (from The Clay Machine Gun by V. Pelevin) . Acrylic and oil on wood, 39x55cm. Prints available ✨ . . #acrylicpainting #oilpainting #surrealism #surrealart #conceptart #figurativeart #contemporaryartist #evagamayun

Reposted from @evagamayun 💚 LAVA LAMP 🟢 Imagine that drops of wax in the lamp have conscious. The only way to immortality for a drop of wax is to stop thinking that it is a drop and to understand that it is wax. But the trick is that it’s almost impossible to realize your initial nature. Therefore, the only thing that the wax notices is its temporary form of the drop and all its short life it prays to Lord Wax for the salvation of this form. (from The Clay Machine Gun by V. Pelevin) . Acrylic and oil on wood, 39x55cm. Prints available ✨ . . #acrylicpainting #oilpainting #surrealism #surrealart #conceptart #figurativeart #contemporaryartist #evagamayun https://instagr.am/p/CWXMIDmjNYm/

Reposted from @mindtendencies2 #aura #awareness #boundaries #chakra #compassion #emotions #emotionalintelligence #energy #feelings #healing #innerpeace #innerwork #letgo #meditation #observation #present #release #selfawareness #selfimprovement #selflove #selfcare #shadowwork #spiritualintelligence #spirituality #understanding #universe #vibe #vibration #vulnerability #zen

Reposted from @mindtendencies2 #aura #awareness #boundaries #chakra #compassion #emotions #emotionalintelligence #energy #feelings #healing #innerpeace #innerwork #letgo #meditation #observation #present #release #selfawareness #selfimprovement #selflove #selfcare #shadowwork #spiritualintelligence #spirituality #understanding #universe #vibe #vibration #vulnerability #zen https://instagr.am/p/CWXAHzWKQrX/

Reposted from @betchys ❤️‍🔥

Reposted from @betchys ❤️‍🔥 https://instagr.am/p/CWVf8uIN5BI/