Tuesday, 31 October 2017

Liked on YouTube: UGLY TO BEAUTY CHALLENGE | The Sims 4

Ugly to beauty challenge! In the sims 4. We gon take this possibly ugly sim to a possibly beautiful. It's all subjective bOIS ----------------------------------------­-------------------------- ♦ Links ♦ ▶ Twitter - https://twitter.com/steph0sims ▶ Instagram - http://ift.tt/2fTpP4l ▶ google+ - http://ift.tt/2fHwFaq ▶ Website - http://ift.tt/2fToWcd ----------------------------------------­-------------------------- ♦ Hi, I'm Steph and welcome to my channel! I'm a 17 year old content creator from the UK! My channel is focused around the sims and you'll find plenty of content such as house building videos, lets plays, room builds and much more. Hope you find something you enjoy and please subscribe if you do! ♦ ----------------------------------------­-------------------------- Music from Epidemic sounds http://ift.tt/19pXSrH

via YouTube https://youtu.be/tC5bfcoeMj8

Sunday, 22 October 2017

Liked on YouTube: My Dogs Try On Halloween Costumes

My Dogs Try On Halloween Costumes
Please subscribe to my channel and my vlog channel! I make new videos here every Wednesday and make vlogs during my majestical daily life. http://www.youtube.com/JennaMarbles http://www.youtube.com/JennaMarblesVlog Also our weekly podcast https://www.youtube.com/user/JennaJulienPodcast Twitch http://ift.tt/1TgVwDt And past gaming from Twitch to Jenna Julien Games https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC_Z0x662N1VUN9J7FYwCwkg Snapchat: JennaKermarbles Facebook: http://ift.tt/pB2QLe Twitter: https://twitter.com/#!/Jenna_Marbles @Jenna_Marbles @jennajulienpod http://twitter.com/charlesmarbles @CharlesMarbles http://twitter.com/kermit_thedog @Kermit_thedog Merchandise: http://ift.tt/12EysPB Blog: http://ift.tt/n2tiyl Tumblr: http://ift.tt/qato9t Instagram http://ift.tt/1tDwnmy

via YouTube https://youtu.be/9wRgNPdU7fQ


HERE ARE THE SKINS/EYES I USE NOW FOR MY SIMS! BECOME A MEMBER OF THE SUGA SQUAD: goo.gl/aU6Sf7 ➦ Since you ALL have asked so much here is a list of the Skins, Eyes, Face details and teeth I use! Honestly, they are a game changer! DOWNLOAD: https://goo.gl/6yrp2Q ➦ Sport Your Support (Merch): http://ift.tt/1HlBelC ________________________________________ ➦ SOCIAL MEDIA Second Channel: goo.gl/AcSO83 Facebook: http://ift.tt/1bV8CS8 Blogger: http://ift.tt/1HlBfGm Twitter: https://twitter.com/XUrbanSimsX The Sims 3: Jenn951 Origin: Jenn2606 Instagram: Hey_Urban SnapChat: HeyUrban ________________________________________ ✉ CONTACT EMAIL: contact.xurbansimsx@Gmail.com 🎶 Music Credits: EPIDEMICSOUNDS.COM ________________________________________ ➦ Computer & Recording Specs: http://goo.gl/69UPiz

via YouTube https://youtu.be/Q0emZp3nUPk

Saturday, 21 October 2017

Liked on YouTube: Wish Haul #3 | 30+ free things

Wish Haul #3 | 30+ free things
Hello there! In this video I'll be doing a long awaited 3rd Wish haul! And even better - all the things in this video was free. I did pay shipping on these items, but the item it self did not cost anything. There are a lot of things in this video - so grab a snack, grab a drink and lets go! I hope you enjoy it! I also hope you remember to give this video a huge thumbs up if you enjoyed it, leave a comment if you please and subscribe if you want more to see more of my videos in the future! Social Media: Instagram: Chrisbeevegan Vegan Amino: Christine // Chrisbeeblack (http://ift.tt/2gvaJB3) And if you'd like to email me about anything at all - questions, requests, collabs, you name it: Mail: chrisbeeblack@gmail.com I love getting emails, so please, send me one =) Links: Drain Hair Catcher: http://ift.tt/2hWhI6K Beauty Blender Holder: http://ift.tt/2gvaK85 Both Harnesses: http://ift.tt/2hWhIDM Laundry Hair Catcher: http://ift.tt/2gu72fi Hair Color Plate: http://ift.tt/2hWBLBM Yellow Hair Dye Bowl: http://ift.tt/2gvaKF7 Hair Dye Set: http://ift.tt/2hWBMFQ Haltertop: http://ift.tt/2gvaLc9 Nipple Covers: http://ift.tt/2hWBNcS Lingerie Set: http://ift.tt/2gsj2O9 Pug Ring: http://ift.tt/2hWBNJU Earring #1: http://ift.tt/2gvaMNf Earrings #2: http://ift.tt/2hWBOgW Garter Belt: http://ift.tt/2gtXjW8 Pikachu Socks: http://ift.tt/2hWhLiW False Bottom Lashes: http://ift.tt/2gvaOol Magnetic Eyelashes: http://ift.tt/2hWhLPY Cat Eyeliner Guide: http://ift.tt/2gsX8KP Eyeliner Guide Cards: http://ift.tt/2hWhMn0 Eyeliner Stamp: Link is dead Makeup Brush Cleaning Pad: http://ift.tt/2guctL1 Hair Ties: http://ift.tt/2hWBPS2 Rose Necklace: http://ift.tt/2gvaPZr Sunglasses: http://ift.tt/2hWBQW6 9 pcs Chockers: http://ift.tt/2gvaQwt Hair Cutting Tool: http://ift.tt/2hWhMU2 Hair Bun Helper: http://ift.tt/2gvaR3v Hair Rollers: http://ift.tt/2hWhNr4 Hair Clips: http://ift.tt/2gsnMmS

via YouTube https://youtu.be/LBBcbWLCELY

Thursday, 19 October 2017

Wednesday, 18 October 2017


We attempt to play a game controlled by your voice ..WITH SINGING! This video ruins everything. Subscribe for a free hearing test: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=DanAndPhilGAMES Watch our video playing this the first time! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ufpkD3UeLOE Never again. DAN Videos: http://youtube.com/danisnotonfire Twitter: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire Instagram: http://ift.tt/1jfZyn9 Tumblr: http://ift.tt/HQxpnA Facebook: http://ift.tt/HbtO2M Merch: http://ift.tt/1feaV04 PHIL Videos: http://youtube.com/AmazingPhil Twitter: http://twitter.com/AmazingPhil Tumblr: http://ift.tt/1wgzZ1d Facebook: http://ift.tt/1AA9Ms6 Instagram: http://ift.tt/1wgzZhu Merch: http://ift.tt/1feaV04 Hey look I got to update the 'gaming challenges' playlist!

via YouTube https://youtu.be/v6wesX_IuKs

Liked on YouTube: We hAVE to SHOUT to juMP??! - Dan vs. Phil: YASUHATI Don't Stop Eighth Note

We hAVE to SHOUT to juMP??! - Dan vs. Phil: YASUHATI Don't Stop Eighth Note
We play an INSANE game that you control with your voice! Subscribe for a free Eighth Note: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=DanAndPhilGAMES RIP Headphone users. They will be missed. DAN Videos: http://youtube.com/danisnotonfire Twitter: http://twitter.com/danisnotonfire Instagram: http://ift.tt/1jfZyn9 Tumblr: http://ift.tt/HQxpnA Facebook: http://ift.tt/HbtO2M Merch: http://ift.tt/1feaV04 PHIL Videos: http://youtube.com/AmazingPhil Twitter: http://twitter.com/AmazingPhil Tumblr: http://ift.tt/1wgzZ1d Facebook: http://ift.tt/1AA9Ms6 Instagram: http://ift.tt/1wgzZhu Merch: http://ift.tt/1feaV04

via YouTube https://youtu.be/ufpkD3UeLOE

New ear friend #me

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2ywKeVT Advertisements

Liked on YouTube: JOHN TITOR: Time Travel, Parallel Universes, Deja Vu and Mandela Effects Explained?!

JOHN TITOR: Time Travel, Parallel Universes, Deja Vu and Mandela Effects Explained?!
New to my channel? Click to join us! We like to think ;) http://goo.gl/dZY9CI PLEASE SUPPORT MY CHANNEL (MERCHANDISE)- http://ift.tt/2wOtuWN WEBSITE- http://ift.tt/2ywzcQU MY SECOND CHANNEL: http://bit.ly/2bMte5q Subscribe to my husband Josh's channel: http://bit.ly/2ngj0xG Have Anxiety like me? Check out Monq! 😚💨✌🏼 Get 10% off MONQ with code KENDALLOCT (or NOV, DEC, JAN ect- depending on the CURRENT month) The best 3 for anxiety, in my opinion, are Forrest🌲 Zen🙏🏼and Happy😊 This link gives you 10% off!👉🏼http://bit.ly/2hXVZ1H (It's not a vape- there are no chemicals or tobacco! It’s fully recyclable and when you buy one through my link, you directly support me and my channel - so thank you!) John Titor website: http://ift.tt/RFuR0D (It's old af and jenky as hell but has good info!) Videos I've done on related topics: DEJA VU: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y6TqC1GkVuc&t=718s Mandella Effect 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LdCYyFujfJI Mandella Effect 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g6HxmIoPLAk Is Donald Trump A Time Traveler?: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CG-plYvYbXA&t=93s Join the Patreon fam! - Often time my content gets flagged as not ad friendly (because of the topics I cover) so I really count on Patreon support to keep my channel going. If you are interested in becoming a Patreon to have access to certain videos early, exclusive live streams, sneak peaks, exclusive merch sales, ect. Click here to join our Patreon Family: http://bit.ly/2n5kFnw Thank you for all your support! A Special Thank you to my Tier 5 Patrons: J.W.U.921 Kelly Roxanne T Nirit A Jaralyn Connect with me outside of da tube: S N A P C H A T: KendallRaeSnap T W I T T E R: @KendallRaeOnYT I N S T A G R A M: @KendallRaeOnYT F A C E B O O K: https://goo.gl/obWBhr C O N T A C T: ✉ For Business Inquiries ONLY, please contact my manager Mat at TeamKendall@ViralNation.com ✉FanMail: SunRaeLove@KendallRaeOnYT.com ✉Video Requests: Requests@KendallRaeOnYT.com ✉ Send me mail ✉ Kendall Rae 8700 E JEFFERSON AVE PO Box 372061 DENVER, CO 80237

via YouTube https://youtu.be/CCtXCofrPZ4

Sunday, 15 October 2017

Liked on YouTube: Speed bag Memory Lane-Netsky Punch Drum

Speed bag Memory Lane-Netsky Punch Drum
For licensing or usage contact: licensing@viralhog.com Contact info for Matthew(guy in video): mateosanti123@gmail.com Punch Drumming to Memory Lane by Netsky at Speed bag III. Speed bag falls off half way through! The video is courtesy of Alan Kahn the King. Website: mattsantiago.com

via YouTube https://youtu.be/npZqCT-Quzo

Friday, 13 October 2017

Liked on YouTube: Sims 4 Random Genetics Challenge!

Sims 4 Random Genetics Challenge!
Hello pals today I'm doing the Sims 4 Random Genetics CAS Challenge! (because I enjoy doing trends months late) This video features paid promotional content from Discord. (COME JOIN OUR DISCORD ITS COOL https://discord.gg/oli ) If you enjoyed this and want more, remember to drop this video a like and a comment! Love you guys -Oli xoxo Sub and become an Olipop today: http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=theorionsound Join our public Discord! https://discord.gg/oli Stalk me at: Twitter: https://twitter.com/TheOrionSound Instagram: http://ift.tt/2fOSA0E Snapchat: http://ift.tt/2fnV6vV Twitch: http://ift.tt/25Gsm6J Merch: http://ift.tt/2hFQdxS For Business Inquiries: orion.sound@gmail.com For Fan Mail: olipopmail@gmail.com Music in this video was done by Hat Films and Incompetech.

via YouTube https://youtu.be/W5BjY_Meb8M

Monday, 9 October 2017

Liked on YouTube: THE STAR ⭐ FAMILY COLLECTION: REVEAL & SWATCHES | Jeffree Star Cosmetics

Introducing.... 🐶⭐️ THE STAR FAMILY COLLECTION! Nathan and I created this collection so all of YOU could have a little piece of our family! Featuring SIX brand new velour liquid lipstick shades, 1 new Skin Frost™ & 2 new velour lip scrubs!!! In this video we swatch all the shades, talk about the background of why we created this and properly introduce you guys to our 4 beautiful child haha AKA our Pomeranians: Diva, Diamond, Delicious and Daddy! THIS COLLECTION LAUNCHES ON OCT. 21ST!!!!!!! @ 10AM PST / 1PM EST!!!!!!! 💄*SHOP* THE BRAND NEW #JeffreeStarCosmetics FASHION ► http://bit.ly/2hP94cU *SHOP: http://ift.tt/1rVOnGv + FOLLOW MY BRAND ON Instagram: http://ift.tt/1UtoVqS +FOLLOW ME ON IG: http://ift.tt/1ir7bip + FACEBOOK: http://ift.tt/1gKGkKQ + SNAPCHAT: jeffreestar + TWITTER: @jeffreestar MY OUTFIT IS BY: Moschino / SLIPPERS: Gucci WIG BY: Freedom Couture NATHAN'S SHIRT: Gucci / SHORTS: Diesel WATCH MORE VIDEOS...................❤️🔥 💉 FULL FACE USING ONLY MAYBELLINE PRODUCTS! ► http://bit.ly/2rdsIjR FULL FACE USING ONLY E.L.F. PRODUCTS ► http://bit.ly/2jdIzNC 🔮 WATCH ME COVER MY TATTOOS WITH MAKEUP! ► http://bit.ly/2mgmukb ⚰️ WATCH ME REVIEW THE MOSCHINO + SEPHORA COLLECTION ► http://bit.ly/2w56KnB MUSIC: ► CØDE ► ”We're Invincible (feat. Joseph Feinstein)” - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ajbnyaq91ao (courtesy of NoCopyrightSounds)

via YouTube https://youtu.be/4HZv5HzFfGk

Hi #me #meh

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2gp0tLk Advertisements

Friday, 6 October 2017

Liked on YouTube: Parents Claim Adult Son Is Manipulating Them For Money

Parents Claim Adult Son Is Manipulating Them For Money
Tom and Margaret each say their 22-year-old son, Tommy, barely works but always seems to have money. The long-divorced couple claims that’s because he’s manipulating them both out of money. http://drphil.com Subscribe to Dr. Phil: http://bitly.com/SubscribeDrPhil LIKE us on Facebook: http://bitly.com/DrPhilFacebook Follow us on Twitter: http://bitly.com/DrPhilTwitter Dr. Phil uses the power of television to tell compelling stories about real people. The Dr. Phil show provides the most comprehensive forum on mental health issues in the history of television. For over a decade, Dr. McGraw has used the show's platform to make psychology accessible and understandable to the general public by addressing important personal and social issues. Using his top-rated show as a teaching tool, he takes aim at the critical issues of our time, including the "silent epidemics" of bullying, drug abuse, domestic violence, depression, child abuse, suicide and various forms of severe mental illness.

via YouTube https://youtu.be/69hpVI60zHY

Me and mem #me

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2wCbD5x Advertisements

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Liked on YouTube: ‘Genetics Tell Us Who Can Be Afflicted With Schizophrenia, Depression Or Whatever - Not Who Will …

‘Genetics Tell Us Who Can Be Afflicted With Schizophrenia, Depression Or Whatever - Not Who Will …
Dr. Phil says he can’t diagnose Blake’s dad without meeting him – but when it comes to something like mental illness, genetics can only tell who might be afflicted; not who will be. http://drphil.com Subscribe to Dr. Phil: http://bitly.com/SubscribeDrPhil LIKE us on Facebook: http://bitly.com/DrPhilFacebook Follow us on Twitter: http://bitly.com/DrPhilTwitter Dr. Phil uses the power of television to tell compelling stories about real people. The Dr. Phil show provides the most comprehensive forum on mental health issues in the history of television. For over a decade, Dr. McGraw has used the show's platform to make psychology accessible and understandable to the general public by addressing important personal and social issues. Using his top-rated show as a teaching tool, he takes aim at the critical issues of our time, including the "silent epidemics" of bullying, drug abuse, domestic violence, depression, child abuse, suicide and various forms of severe mental illness.

via YouTube https://youtu.be/8EaZasZ7FEI

Hi again #me #meagain

via Instagram http://ift.tt/2g9HAMa Advertisements